Read and write webanno tsv 3.2 files
pip install git+
from web_anno_tsv import open_web_anno_tsv
tsv1 = 'test.tsv'
with open_web_anno_tsv(tsv1) as f:
for i, sentence in enumerate(f):
print(f"Sentence {i}:", sentence.text)
for j, annotation in enumerate(sentence.annotations):
print(f'\tAnnotation {j}:')
print('\t\tText:', annotation.text)
print("\t\tLabel:", annotation.label)
print("\t\tOffsets", f"{annotation.start}, {annotation.stop}")
from web_anno_tsv import open_web_anno_tsv
tsv1 = 'test.tsv'
tsv2 = 'test_write.tsv'
with open_web_anno_tsv(tsv1) as f1:
with open_web_anno_tsv(tsv2, 'w') as f2:
for sentence in f1: