- gem 'devise'
- bundle install
- rails generate devise:install
- rails generate devise user
- rails db:migrate
- gem 'bootstrap'
- bundle install
- @import "bootstrap"; in application.scss
- gem 'jquery-rails'
- bundle install
- require jquery3, popper, bootstrap in appplication.js
- gem 'letter_opener'
- config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :letter_opener Add into development.rb
- gem 'font-awesome-rails'
- @import "font-awesome"; in application.scss
- gem 'sidekiq'
- config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
- Use ActiveJob for
Create an API to add single product using AuthenticationToken.
- User register thier account and confirm email address after their they need to logged in
- After that the can perform CURD opration on product
- Using 'Import CSV' user can upload bluck of data into database. (Attached Sample CSV into Root Folder)
- For security I have worked on SQL Injection ( Using ? into query ) and Parameter Injection Attacks ( Used Strong Params )
- For SQL Injection ( Using ? into query ) Added search for that.