Video Demo:
(If you don't see a quote instantly wait some minutes, because the backend needs to wake up after inactivity)
GitHub Fontend:
GitHub Backend:
Inspired by the book "The Kangaroo Chronicles" by Marc Uwe Kling, which uses misattributed quotes and categorizes them as funny or not funny.
There are three options or tabs on this homepage:
- To influence the ranking of certain quotes in the database.
- To assign a false author to a randomly provided quote from API Ninjas and save it in the database
- An overview of the 10 misattributed quotes that were judged most funny by the community
This project is a website based on React (Javascript) that consists of a frontend and a backend.
For the backend, I used the npm packages Express, Mongoose, Cors, etc. to access and edit a database I created.
Since the node_modules folder is not uploaded to GitHub for storage space efficiency, "npm i" must be executed at the beginning.
Node.js and npm are required to use the application.
"npm start" runs the app in development mode.
I refer to a project that I found online that has implemented a similar concept but is in German: