This is space where I am Working to develop the building blocks nessecary to develop a viable solution to reselling grid capacity. this initial deployment will be focused on providing wordpress hosting but the concepts will apply to many other tools that could be provided.
Set in Stone Requirments
- Services must survive single node outages and be at a minimum be "push button" failover.
- Seriveces must be scalable for increasing user base
- All Customer Data must be atleast triple redundant at all times
Software Involved in Deployment
- Ubuntu 22.04
- Ispconfig
- Mysql
- Apache/Nginx
- Roundcube Web Mail
Services to Be offered
- Managed wordpress hosting with subdomain or "Bring Your Own Domain"
- Basic websites for x$ per month with X storage
- Dedicated support channel for hosted sites
- User experinece to minic familar hosting offerings using grid backend.
Concepts of Infrastructure
Built on Foundation and Certified hardware
- how do we rely on the least number of public ip addresses possible, and best capatalize on dedicated node discounts?
concepts of structure to follow those set forth in ISPConfig Perfect Multiserver setup on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10
- how do we expand on abilities of the software by using the structure of the grid, DNS/mail servers that are multinational day one.
High availbilty starting point here ISPConfig3 Server High Availability Configuration
- how do we use the expanded capabilities of the grid to improve what can be done here?
Wordpress integration starting point here How to Install WordPress by ISPConfig
Documentation and Resources
- ispconfig is an opensource software that has absolutely incredible documentation avaialble and a strong community following in the linux dev comunnity
- The Documentation Page is an absolute treasure trove of information, and there is a complete manual avaialble for the project.
Readily Available Resources
- Terraform configuration files for the 7 vm network
- Public ip addresses
- Storage, Compute and Bandwidth
Who we need
- Somone familar with setting up web control panels in linux
- Somone familiar with dns setup and trouble shooting
- Somone experienced in managing mysql databases, roundcube, etc
- Somone to design the customer facing interface
Software needs
- how do we protect customers data against node failures
- how do we create the wordpress deployment on order
- how do we readily expand capacity while minimizing overhead.