The root_menu function is the main menu of the script. It displays a welcome message and a list of options to the user, then prompts the user to enter a selection. The user's input is validated to ensure it is a number between 1 and 4, and then the corresponding action is taken based on the selection. The available options are:
- Install Terraform
- Generate a
- Generate an env.tfvars
- Modify an existing example for deployment with env.tfvars file.
The install_terraform function installs Terraform, if it is not already installed. The function checks if Terraform is installed by checking if the terraform command is available. If Terraform is already installed, a message is displayed to the user and the function exits. If Terraform is not installed, the function downloads and installs the latest version of Terraform.
The generate_a_main_tf function generates a file. This file is a configuration file for Terraform and contains the necessary information for deploying infrastructure with Terraform.
The generate_a_env_tfvars function generates an env.tfvars file. This file contains variables and their values that can be used in the file.
The modify_main_tf function takes terraform configuration file that is not setup to be used with env.tfvars, and modifies it to be usable with one.
New Functionality
- Root Menu with 4 fucntions
- install terraform
- alpha feature, should work
- Generate a
- working with one known issue
- must restart script before generating a second or output blocks from previous's will print to new -susupect handling of $OUTPUT_BLOCK
- need to add output wiregaurd vm ip variable.
- working with one known issue
- Generate a env.tfvars
- Working with minimal testing
- Deploy a
- Untested, new start of feature
- install terraform
Code Improvements
- Input validation on most prompts
- Default Values on most prompts
Planned Features
- Modify Exsisting for use with env.tfvars
- Modify Exsisting from outside provider for use with the grid.
- Reads for deploying on outside provider and creates a replica grid deployment
- AWS Cloud Copy
- Google Cloud Copy
- Deploy a "***" functionality
- Deploy a Forwarder,
- Deploy a Gateway
- Deploy Storage Devices
Example Output of generate_a_main_tf This is unaltered output from the function with requested setup of 3 vms in a wiregaurd network with mutliple disks, and appropriate output variables for each vm
- This can be immeadiately deployed using a env.tfvars file with
terraform apply -parallelism=1 -auto-approve -var-file="/deployments/prod.tfvars"
variable "MNEMONICS" {
type = string
description = "The mnemonic phrase used to generate the seed for the node."
variable "NETWORK" {
type = string
default = "main"
description = "The network to connect the node to."
variable "SSH_KEY" {
type = string
terraform {
required_providers {
grid = {
source = "threefoldtech/grid"
provider "grid" {
mnemonics = "${var.MNEMONICS}"
network = "${var.NETWORK}"
resource "grid_network" "net1" {
nodes = [1, 2]
ip_range = ""
name = "Net1"
description = "MyNetwork1"
add_wg_access = "true"
resource "grid_deployment" "D1" {
node = 1
network_name =
disks {
name = "Disk1"
size = "25"
disks {
name = "Disk2"
size = "25"
disks {
name = "Disk3"
size = "25"
vms {
name = "VM1"
description = "MyVm1"
flist = ""
cpu = "4"
publicip = "true"
publicip6 = "true"
memory = "4096"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk1"
mount_point = "/data1"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk2"
mount_point = "/data2"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk3"
mount_point = "/data3"
planetary = "true"
env_vars = {
SSH_KEY = "${var.SSH_KEY}"
resource "grid_deployment" "D2" {
node = 2
network_name =
disks {
name = "Disk1"
size = "25"
disks {
name = "Disk2"
size = "25"
vms {
name = "VM2"
description = "MyVm2"
flist = ""
cpu = "4"
publicip = "true"
publicip6 = "true"
memory = "4096"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk1"
mount_point = "/data1"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk2"
mount_point = "/data2"
planetary = "true"
env_vars = {
SSH_KEY = "${var.SSH_KEY}"
resource "grid_deployment" "D3" {
node = 1
network_name =
disks {
name = "Disk1"
size = "25"
disks {
name = "Disk2"
size = "25"
disks {
name = "Disk3"
size = "25"
vms {
name = "VM3"
description = "MyVm3"
flist = ""
cpu = "4"
publicip = "true"
publicip6 = "true"
memory = "4096"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk1"
mount_point = "/data1"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk2"
mount_point = "/data2"
mounts {
disk_name = "Disk3"
mount_point = "/data3"
planetary = "true"
env_vars = {
SSH_KEY = "${var.SSH_KEY}"
output "wg_config1" {
value = grid_network.net1.access_wg_config
output "public_ip1" {
value = grid_deployment.D1.vms[0].computedip
output "public_ip61" {
value = grid_deployment.D1.vms[0].computedip6
output "ygg_ip1" {
value = grid_deployment.D1.vms[0].ygg_ip
output "public_ip2" {
value = grid_deployment.D2.vms[0].computedip
output "public_ip62" {
value = grid_deployment.D2.vms[0].computedip6
output "ygg_ip2" {
value = grid_deployment.D2.vms[0].ygg_ip
output "public_ip3" {
value = grid_deployment.D3.vms[0].computedip
output "public_ip63" {
value = grid_deployment.D3.vms[0].computedip6
output "ygg_ip3" {
value = grid_deployment.D3.vms[0].ygg_ip