Help you to scroll table form left to right by clicking on dot below as pagination.
Code to make table scrollable on click of dot using javascript. Create a table and dots div and add scrollTableWrapper(0)
function to each dot with dot no passed as parameter
let currentSettWidth = 0;
let currentDot = 1;
const container = document.querySelector(".wrapper");
const table = document.querySelector(".table");
const allDots =document.querySelectorAll(".dot");
const totalNOodDots = parseInt(allDots.length);
let widthtocalulatRightScrollPositin = 0;
let widthToAppltArray = [];
const tableWidth = table.scrollWidth;
const tableWidthToScroll = tableWidth/totalNOodDots;
const maxScroll = table.scrollWidth - container.offsetWidth;
let countofdots = 0;
allDots.forEach((element) => {
if(countofdots > 0){
widthtocalulatRightScrollPositin = widthtocalulatRightScrollPositin + tableWidthToScroll;
if(countofdots == (totalNOodDots - 1)){
widthtocalulatRightScrollPositin = maxScroll;
const scrollTableWrapper = (dotNo) => {
var currentScroll = container.scrollLeft;
if (currentScroll >= Math.floor(widthToAppltArray[dotNo+1])) {
currentScroll = 0;
// Calculate the new scroll position
var newScroll = widthToAppltArray[dotNo];
// Limit the scroll position to the maximum value
if (newScroll > maxScroll) {
newScroll = maxScroll;
// Set the new scroll position
container.scrollLeft = newScroll;