Omnifood is a startup that uses AI to create and deliver custom healthy meal plans
The Website is developed using HTML and CSS. Wesite Link:
We are a technology company first, but with a major focus on consumer well-being through a healthy diet. Most people are very busy with their jobs, family and friends, and other important activities, which doesn't leave much time for cooking. This might lead to a poor diet and lasting health consequences. We want to solve this problem by using an AI-centric approach. Users can use our app to select their diet and foods they like and dislike, and our AI algorithm will create a custom and individual weekly meal plan. But we don't stop there. We partner with restaurants and other cooking partners to actually cook and deliver all meals from the generated meal plans, in selected cities. All this will be packed up in a monthly subscription, where users can choose between receiving one or two meals per day, every single day of the month.
Never cook again!: Our subscriptions cover 365 days per year, even including major holidays. Local and organic: Our cooks only use local, fresh, and organic products to prepare your meals. No waste: All our partners only use reusable containers to package all your meals. Pause anytime: Going on vacation? Just pause your subscription, and we refund unused days.
Vegetarian Vegan Pescatarian Gluten-free Lactose-free Keto Paleo Low FODMAP Kid-friendly