Run tests
Clone project
Define your credentials for pathmind in system variables
(e.g., export TESTS_PASSWORD=mypass)
Run tests on localhost
mvn clean verify -Pbdd-tests
Run tests on
mvn clean verify -Denvironment=pathmind-dev -Pbdd-tests
Run tests on
mvn clean verify -Denvironment=pathmind-test -Pbdd-tests
Run tests with headless browser (for now available for chrome only)
mvn clean verify -Dheadless=true -Pbdd-tests
Run tests marked with tag
mvn clean verify "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @tag" -Pbdd-tests
E2E tests
There are two E2E tests with full training features/e2e.feature
. Tests separated from the full run. E2e tests could be started with @e2e
tag, here is the example of the command mvn clean verify -Dheadless=true -Pbdd-tests -Dtags=e2e
- Reward function:
reward = after[0] - before[0];
Expected reward score: > 0.9 - Expected reward score: > 120
reward += after[0] - before[0]; // Maximize kitchen cleanliness reward += after[1] - before[1]; // Maximize successful exits reward -= after[2] - before[2]; // Minimize balked customers reward -= after[3] - before[3]; // Minimize average service time
You will need to use direct XPath or CSS selectors to select the elements. XPath cheatsheet
After tests run, check generated report here target/site/serenity/index.html