This repository contains the Pathmind Web application.
The other parts of Pathmind (NativeRL, Pathmind Helper) can be currently still be found here:
- UI Framework: Vaadin 14
- Dependency Injection / Application Container: Spring Boot 2
- Database: PostgreSQL 10
- Build: Maven
- Deployment: AWS
- Database Migrations: Liquibase
Detailed documentation can be found on the wiki
The quickest way to get up and running is with the Vagrant file. You'll need to set up your env variables first.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Your local env will be running at
Details for setting up your env variables.
Here are instructions for how you can try out the app and the files you can upload to train:
When working on this project, you will have to set up a PostgreSQL database server locally. And set the credentials for it as an Environment Variable in IntelliJ (or your IDE of choice).
The required environment variable looks something like this:
For running the application you set it up in your Run/Debug Configuration
when starting the application from inside
Intellij. For maven commands (also to be run from the IntelliJ) you have to set it also by going to
File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Runner
and set it there in the
Environment variables
We are using Jooq for type-safe database access. So when you change anything
about the structure of the database, you will have to also regenerate those classes. You can do this by running
from the pathmind-database
submodule in the maven tab in IntelliJ.
We are using Liquibase for migrations. Database migrations can be run in one of two ways.
- When starting the application
- By running
from the maven tab in IntelliJ
When adding a migration, remember to add a logicalFilePath="RELATIVE_PATH_TO_FILE"
as a parameter to each changelog
files root element. This will ensure that the changelog file has a unique path to it. We require a unique changelog
path, because otherwise migrations ran by the maven liquibase plugin and migrations ran by application start might
get slightly different paths.
The different paths issue shows itself by migrations being run again, even though you have executed them already. This
is because a migration is identified by the triple (id, author, filepath)
When adding migrations, use the pattern db.YYYYMMDD.xml
, so a migration added on the September 13th 2019 would have
the name db.20190913.xml
. As the author use your work email address and the id should be the github issue id and if you need more than one migration on that day, add a -N
suffix. The id for the second
migration on for github issue #2501 would therefore be 2501-2
. (Updated Dec 2020)
This pattern makes it easy for multiple people to work together.