Installs and completely configures Jenkins using Ansible.
This role is used when you want all of your Jenkins configuration in version control so you can deploy Jenkins repeatably and reliably and you can treat your Jenkins as a Cow instead of a Pet.
If you are looking for a role to install Jenkins and you want to configure everything through the web interface and you don't care about being able to repeatably deploy this same fully-configured Jenkins then you don't need this role, have a look at the geerlingguy/ansible-role-jenkins role instead.
Requires curl to be installed on the server.
If deploying using Docker then you need Docker installed on the server.
(Docker, apt-get and yum are the only supported ways at the moment although more ways can easily be added, PRs welcome).
Install using Ansible Galaxy:
$ ansible-galaxy install emmetog.jenkins
jenkins_version: "2.107.1" # The exact version of Jenkins to deploy
jenkins_url: "" # The url that Jenkins will be accessible on
jenkins_port: "8080" # The port that Jenkins will listen on
jenkins_home: /data/jenkins # The directory on the server where the Jenkins configs will live
jenkins_admin: "[email protected]" # The admininstrator email address for the Jenkins server
# If you need to override any java options then do that here.
jenkins_java_opts: "-Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false"
# Install Jenkins by means of a Docker container
jenkins_install_via: "docker"
# Install Jenkins directly on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems
jenkins_install_via: "apt"
# Install Jenkins directly on RedHat/CentOS Linux systems
jenkins_install_via: "yum"
# Configuration files owner and group
jenkins_config_owner: "ubuntu"
jenkins_config_group: "ubuntu"
# The locations of the configuration files for Jenkins
jenkins_source_dir_configs: "{{ playbook_dir }}/jenkins-configs"
jenkins_source_dir_jobs: "{{ jenkins_source_dir_configs }}/jobs"
# config.xml template source
jenkins_source_config_xml: "{{ jenkins_source_dir_configs }}/config.xml"
# Include custom files for Jenkins installation
jenkins_include_custom_files: false
jenkins_custom_files: {}
# Include secrets directory during installation
jenkins_include_secrets: false
jenkins_source_secrets: "{{ jenkins_source_dir_configs }}/secrets/"
# The names of the jobs (config.xml must exist under jenkins_source_dir_jobs/job_name/)
jenkins_jobs: []
# These plugins will be installed in the Jenkins instance
- git
- log-parser
- copyartifact
- workflow-aggregator
- workflow-multibranch
- docker-workflow
- template-project
- ec2
# List of sources of custom Jenkins plugins to install
jenkins_custom_plugins: []
# Docker vars: apply to deploying via docker only #
# The Docker Hub image name
jenkins_docker_image: "jenkins/jenkins"
# Configs specific to the "docker" method of running Jenkins
# The name of the Jenkins container
jenkins_docker_container_name: jenkins
# Default, if true, the port will be exposed on the host (using "port")
# If set to false, the port will only be exposed to other containers (using "expose")
jenkins_docker_expose_port: true
# Docker container restart policy.
# Options: always, False, on-failure, unless-stopped
jenkins_docker_restart_policy: "on-failure"
# Apt vars: apply to deploying via apt only #
# Packages which are to be installed on the Jenkins instance
- openjdk-8-jdk
# Java version to use. Note that JDK 8 is required for Jenkins
# 2.54 or greater.
jenkins_java_version: "java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64"
- hosts: jenkins
jenkins_version: "2.107.1"
jenkins_port: 80
jenkins_install_via: "docker"
- "my-first-job"
- "another-awesome-job"
jenkins_include_secrets: true
jenkins_include_custom_files: true
- src: "jenkins.plugins.openstack.compute.UserDataConfig.xml"
dest: "jenkins.plugins.openstack.compute.UserDataConfig.xml"
- "openstack-cloud-plugin/openstack-cloud.jpi"
- emmetog.jenkins
If you want to enable HTTPS on Jenkins we recommend that you use a reverse proxy like jwilder/nginx-proxy or traefik and configure it as the HTTPS endpoint instead of configuring Jenkins itself with HTTPS. This gives you more flexibility and better separation of concerns. See the documentation in those projects for more details on how to deploy the proxies and configure HTTPS.
If using a reverse proxy in front of the Jenkins
instance and deploying using docker you probably
want to set the jenkins_docker_expose_port
var to false so that the
port is not exposed on the host, only to the reverse proxy.
The example above will look for the job configs in
{{ playbook_dir }}/jenkins-configs/jobs/my-first-job/config.xml
{{ playbook_dir }}/jenkins-configs/jobs/another-awesome-job/config.xml
NOTE: These directories are customizable, see the jenkins_source_dir_configs
and jenkins_source_dir_jobs
role variables.
The role will also look for {{ playbook_dir }}/jenkins-configs/config.xml
These config.xml will be templated over to the server to be used as the job configuration.
It will upload the whole secrets directory under {{ playbook_dir }}/jenkins-configs/secrets
and configure custom files provided under the {{ jenkins_custom_files }}
variable. Note that {{ jenkins_include_secrets }}
and {{ jenkins_include_custom_files }}
variables should be set to true for these to work.
Additionally the role can install custom plugins by providing the .jpi or .hpi files as a list under the {{ jenkins_custom_plugins }}
and custom files are templated so you can put variables in them, for example it would be a good idea to encrypt sensitive variables in Ansible Vault.
Here's an example of what you could put in {{ playbook_dir }}/jenkins-configs/jobs/my-first-job/config.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<description>My first job, it says "hello world"</description>
<scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
<command>echo "Hello World!"</command>
In {{ jenkins_source_dir_configs }}/config.xml
you put your global
Jenkins configuration, for example:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<authorizationStrategy class="$Unsecured"/>
<securityRealm class="$None"/>
<projectNamingStrategy class="jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy$DefaultProjectNamingStrategy"/>
<viewsTabBar class="hudson.views.DefaultViewsTabBar"/>
<myViewsTabBar class="hudson.views.DefaultMyViewsTabBar"/>
<hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud plugin="[email protected]">
<privateKey class="com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey$DirectEntryPrivateKeySource">
<privateKey>{{ ssh_jenkins_aws_key }}</privateKey>
<description>Docker builder</description>
<amiType class="hudson.plugins.ec2.UnixData">
<owner class="hudson" reference="../../.."/>
<properties class="hudson.model.View$PropertyList"/>
When you want to make a big change in a configuration file or you want to add a new job the normal workflow is to make the change in the Jenkins UI first, then copy the resulting XML back into your VCS.
Made with love by Emmet O'Grady.
I am the founder of NimbleCI which builds Docker containers for feature branch workflow projects in Github.
I blog on my personal blog and about Docker related things on the NimbleCI blog.