The aim of EntityFramework-DbMigrator is to provide a simple to use and flexible replacement for Entity Framework's migrator.exe.
DbMigrator.exe -EntityFramework={Path} -DllPath={Path}
Details Command Line Switches:
- -EntityFramework={Path} - The path to the Entity Framework DLL - This is required as a command line argument to enable migrations on multiple versions of entity framework (rather than just the version referenced in the solution).
- -DllPath={Path} - The path to the DLL containing the migrations and DbContext
- -DependsOn={Path} - A Command seperated list of dependent DLLs that are not loaded from the GAC
- -MigrationConfig={value} - The fully qualified name of the migration configuration class - This class must inheric from DbMigrationConfiguration OR DbMigrationConfiguration
- -ConnectionString={ConnectionString} OR -ConnectionStringName={Name}
- -ConnectionString={ConnectionString} - The connection string
- -ConnectionStringName={ConnectionStringName} - The connection string to lookup in the config file
- -Context={ContextName} - If more than one class derives from DbMigrationConfiguration the context name is needed to identify the context
- -Provider={ProviderName} - The name of the database connection provider - Defaults to System.Data.SqlClient if one has not been provided as either a command line option or in the connection string
- -TargetMigration={MigrationName} - The target migration
- -Script - Instead of upgrading the database just generate the SQL script
- -ScriptPath={Path} - Path to output the generated SQL script to.
- -Info - Display information about what migrations have already been applied and migrations are pending
- -Help - Displays the usage help
Alternatively the arguments can be output to a file and passed to the DbMigrator. The arguments are the same as above and must be passed in one per line, however if a configuration file is to be used ALL arguments must be passed in via the configuration file. To invoke DbMigrator with a configuration file use:
DbMigrator.exe -ConfigFile={Full Path}
Copyright (c) Optima Energy Systems Ltd, 1999-2018. See the file for licence rights and limitations (Apache 2.0).