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Bounded creativity

Paulo Moekotte edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

We review and reconceptualize constraints in terms of how they serve to restrict the space of possible creative solutions to a given problem. Specifically, we distinguish between two different functional roles constraints can play–constraints can either direct attention and effort towards a certain subset of solutions (directive role) or they can guide attention and effort away from a certain part of the solution space (indirective role). Using this distinction as our theoretical foundation, we then develop theory as to how constraints may impact individual creativity via two distinct cognitive pathways–cognitive flexibility and perseverance. In addition, we consider the ways in which expertise and time alter the use of these pathways thereby shaping individual creativity. We close by suggesting directions for future research on constraints and by offering directions for how constraints can be used to meaningfully enhance individual creativity

Source: Bounded creativity theory the effects of constraints on the production of new ideas 7C Academy of Management Proceedings

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