This is the Payment Highway iOS SDK.
- You have an existing iOS project supporting iOS 9 or later
- Carthage or CocoaPods
- Valid Payment Highway
account id
andmerchant id
- Custom-build Mobile Application Backend that returns session id and handles token with token id
You will need to have a custom mobile application backend that handles session id and token management.
See the demo project included for a BackendAdapter example.
Currently installation via Carthage and CocoaPods is supported.
Create a "Cartfile"-file in the root of your project and add a line within:
github "paymenthighway/paymenthighway-ios-framework" "v-2.0.1"
Run the following command to integrate the required frameworks to your project.
carthage update --platform iOS
You can follow the Carthage's instructions for ”Adding frameworks to an application” from step 3 on "If you're building for iOS"
You can install CocoaPods with the following commands.
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate PaymentHighway framework to your project, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'PaymentHighway', '2.0.1'
See the Demo Project included how to use the framework.