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This is Offical Payture API for C#. We're try to make this as simple as possible for you! Explore tutorial and get started. Please note, you will need a Merchant account, contact our support to get one. Here you can explore how to use our API functions!


Just download our package from NuGet (please, take into account that this is the test package now): CSharpPaytureAPI (last version is 1.0.4)

And include to your project:

using CSharpPayture;

Payture API tutorial

Before fall into the deep, we're need to provide you general conception of working with our API function. See picture:

Now, let's walk through the steps from the picture above

First Step - Creating Merchant Account

To get access for API usage just create the instance of Merchant object, pass in the constructor the name of the host, name of your account and your account password. Suppose that you have Merchant account with name: Key = "MyMerchantAccount" and password Password = "MyPassword".

Pass the '' for test as the name of Host (first parameter).

var merchant = new Merchant("", "MyMerchantAccount", "MyPassword");

We're completed the first step! Go next!

Please note, that Key = "'MyMerchantAccount" and Password = "MyMerchantAccount" - fake, our support help you to get one!

Second Step - Get access to required API

At this step you just call one of following methods on Merchant object (which provide proper API type for you) and pass in the PaytureCommands see description here:

  • Api (this is PaytureAPI)
merchant.Api( PaytureCommands.Pay );
  • InPay (this is PaytureInPay)
merchant.InPay( PaytureCommands.Pay );
  • EWallet (this is PaytureEWallet)
merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Init );
merchant.Apple( PaytureCommands.Pay );
merchant.Android( PaytureCommands.Pay );

Result of this methods is the instanse of Transaction object which you expand in the next step.

See this table for explore what PaytureCommands received theese methods.

Third Step - Expand transaction

This is the most difficult step, but you can do it! In the previous step we get the Transaction object see here that is it. You need expand it, below you find detailed description how do this for every type of api.

At this step we're call only one method: ExpandTransaction(...). But there are more overload exist!

ExpandTransaction ( string orderId, Int64? amount )

This overload available in any of the API type

Call this for following PaytureCommands:

  • Unblock
  • Refund
  • Charge
  • GetState (PaytureAPI)
  • PayStatus (PaytureEWallet, PaytureInPay)
Parameter's name Definition
orderId Payment identifier in your service system.
amount Amount of payment kopec. (in case of GetState or PayStatus pass null)

Example for Charge:

Note Charge operation we're can make after the funds on Customer's card was blocked.

var orderId = "TESTORD000000000000000000"; //pass in the transaction's OrderId used in PaytureCommands.Block operation.
var amount = 7444444; //transaction's Amount used in PaytureCommands.Block

//Create and expand transaction for Api:
var payTransactionApi = merchant.Api( PaytureCommands.Charge ).ExpandTransaction( orderId, amount );

//Create and expand transaction for InPay:
var payTransactionInPay = merchant.InPay( PaytureCommands.Charge ).ExpandTransaction( orderId, amount );

//Create and expand transaction for EWallet:
var payTransactionEWallet = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Charge ).ExpandTransaction( orderId, amount );

ExpandTransaction Methods for PaytureAPI

ExpandTransaction( PayInfo info, IDictionary<string, string> customFields, string customerKey, string paytureId )

This overload you call for api methods:

  • Pay (PaytureCommands.Pay).
  • Block (PaytureCommands.Block).

Description of provided params.

Parameter's name Definition
info Params for transaction processings see here for explore PayInfo object
customerKey Customer identifier in Payture AntiFraud system.
customFields Additional fields for processing (especially for AntiFraud system).
paytureId Payments identifier in Payture AntiFraud system.

Example for Pay:

var payInfo = new PayInfo(
    "4111111111111112", // card number, required
     10, //expiration month, required
     20, //expiration year, required
     "Test Test", // cardholder name, required
     123, // secure code, required
     "TestOrder0000000000512154545", // payment's identifier in Merchant system
     41000 //amount, required
var customFields = new Dictionary<string, string>{
    { "IP", "" },
    { "Description", "SomeUsefullHere" }
}; //optional, can be null 

var customerKey = "testKey"; // 
var paytureId = ""; //optional 

//Create and expand transaction 
var payTransaction = merchant.Api( PaytureCommands.Pay ).ExpandTransaction( payInfo, customFields, customerKey, paytureId );

ExpandTransaction Methods for PaytureInPay

ExpandTransaction( Data data )

This overload you call for api Init method ( PaytureCommands.Init ) Full description of recieved data see here. You must specify following fields of Data object then call Init api method of PaytureInPay:

  • SessionType (maybe Pay or Block)
  • OrderId
  • Amount
  • IP

Other fields is optional. Example:

var orderId = "TESTORD000000000000000000";
var amount = 102000; // in kopec
var ip = "";
var data = new Data( SessionType.Pay, orderId, amount, ip );

//Create and expand transaction 
var initTransaction = merchant.InPay( PaytureCommands.Init ).ExpandTransaction( data );

Please note that the response from Init method will be contain SessionId - the unique payment's identifier - further you need to use it in PaytureCommands.Pay api method for proseccing transaction on Payture side: call manually (suppose, we're have sessionId value from Init):

  • merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Pay ).ExpandTransaction( sessionId ) - use for SessionType=Pay or SessionType=Block

To do the same thing you can take value from response's RedirectURL property - which is string representation of Url constracted for you (a value in RedirectURL will be set only in PaytureCommands.Init response, in over cases it has null value) - and just redirect customer to this address.

ExpandTransaction Methods for PaytureEWallet

ExpandTransaction( Customer customer, string cardId, Data data )

This overload you call for api

  • Init (PaytureCommands.Init).

Example for SessionType=Pay and SessionType=Block:

var cardId = "40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077";
var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); 
var sessionType = SessionType.Pay; //= SessionType.Block,  required
var orderId = "TESTORD000000000000000000"; // required
var amount = 102000; // in kopec, required
var ip = ""; // required
var product = "SomeCoolProduct"; // optional, maybe empty or null
var total = amount; // optional, maybe empty or null
var template = "tempTag"; // optional, maybe empty or null
var lang = "RU"; // optional, maybe empty or null
var data = new Data ( sessionType, orderId, amount, ip, product, total, template, lang ) // required

//Create and expand transaction 
var initPayTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Init ).ExpandTransaction( customer, cardId, data ); //SessionType=Pay or SessionType=Block

Example for SessionType=Add:

var cardId = null; //we're pass null for Add SessionType
var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); 
var sessionType = SessionType.Add; //  required
var ip = ""; // required
var template = "tempTag"; // optional, maybe empty or null
var lang = "RU"; // optional, maybe empty or null
var data = new Data 
    SessionType = sessionType.ToString(),
    IP = ip,
    TemplateTag = template,
    Language = lang
}; // required

//Create and expand transaction 
var initAddTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Init ).ExpandTransaction( customer, null, data ); // SessionType=Add

Please note that the response from Init method will be contain SessionId - the unique payment's identifier - further you need to use it in PaytureCommands.Pay or PaytureCommands.Add api methods for proseccing transaction on Payture side: call manually (suppose, we're have sessionId value from Init):

  • merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Pay ).ExpandTransaction( sessionId ); - use for SessionType=Pay or SessionType=Block
  • merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Add ).ExpandTransaction( sessionId ); - use for SessionType=Add

To do the same thing you can take value from response's RedirectURL property - which is string representation of Url constracted for you (a value in RedirectURL will be set only in PaytureCommands.Init response, in over cases it has null value) - and just redirect customer to this address.

ExpandTransaction( Customer customer, string cardId, int secureCode, Data data )

This overload you call for api

  • Pay (PaytureCommands.Pay) - on Merchant side for REGISTERED card

Example for SessionType=Pay and SessionType=Block:

var sessionType = SessionType.Pay; //= SessionType.Block,  required
var orderId = "TESTORD000000000000000000"; // required
var cardId = "40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077"; // required
var secureCode = 123; // required
var amount = 102000; // in kopec, required
var ip = ""; // required
var confirmCode = "SomeCoolProduct"; // optional, maybe empty or null
var customFields = ""; // optional maybe null
var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); //required
var data = new Data ( sessionType, orderId, amount, ip ) // required
data.ConfirmCode = confirmCode;
data.CustomFields = customFields;

//Create and expand transaction 
var payTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Pay ).ExpandTransaction( customer, cardId, secureCode, data );

ExpandTransaction( Customer customer, Card card, Data data )

This overload you call for api

  • Pay (PaytureCommands.Pay) - on Merchant side for NOT REGISTERED card

Example for SessionType=Pay and SessionType=Block:

var sessionType = SessionType.Pay; //= SessionType.Block,  required
var orderId = "TESTORD000000000000000000"; // required
var amount = 102000; // in kopec, required
var ip = ""; // required
var confirmCode = "SomeCoolProduct"; // optional, maybe empty or null
var customFields = ""; // optional maybe null
var data = new Data ( sessionType, orderId, amount, ip ) // required
data.ConfirmCode = confirmCode;
data.CustomFields = customFields;

var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); //required

var card = new Card( 
    "4111111111111112", //card number
    10, //expiration month
    20, //expiration year
    "Card Holder", //CardHolder Name
    111, //secure code
); //required

//Create and expand transaction 
var payTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Pay ).ExpandTransaction( customer, card, data );

ExpandTransaction( Customer customer, Card card )

This overload you call for api

  • Add method ( PaytureCommand.Add ) on Merchant side.


var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); //required
var card = new Card( 
    "4111111111111112", //card number
    10, //expiration month
    20, //expiration year
    "Card Holder", //CardHolder Name
    111, //secure code
); //required

//Create and expand transaction 
var addTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Add ).ExpandTransaction( customer, card );

Please note, that you can add card only for registered customer.

ExpandTransaction( Customer customer )

This overload is called for following api methods:

  • Register (PaytureCommands.Register),
  • Update (PaytureCommands.Update),
  • Delete (PaytureCommands.Delete),
  • Check (PaytureCommands.Check),
  • GetList (PaytureCommands.GetList) Description of recieved Customer data see here.

Example for PaytureCommands.Register:

var customer = new Customer( 
    "testCustomerEW", // login, required
    "testPass", //password, required
    "78456865353", //phone, optional
    "newCustTest@[email protected]" // email, optional

//Create and expand transaction      
var registerTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Reqister ).ExpandTransaction( customer );

ExpandTransaction( Customer customer, string cardId, Int64? amount, string orderId = null )

This overload is called for api methods:

  • SendCode (PaytureCommands.SendCode). You need to specify all parameters include orderId. Example:
var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); 
var cardId = "40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077";
var amount = 50000; 
var orderId = "TESTORD000000000000000000";

//Create and expand transaction 
var sendCodeTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.SendCode ).ExpandTransaction( customer, cardId, amount, orderId );
  • Activate (PaytureCommands.Activate). Specify customer, cardId and amount for this operation. Example:
var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); 
var cardId = "40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077";
var amount = 100; //pass small amount for activate

//Create and expand transaction 
var activateTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Activate ).ExpandTransaction( customer, cardId, amount );
  • Remove (PaytureCommands.Remove). You need to specify customer and cardId only for this operation. For amount pass null. Example:
var customer = new Customer( "testCustomerEW", "testPass" ); 
var cardId = "40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077";

//Create and expand transaction 
var removeTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Remove ).ExpandTransaction( customer, cardId, null );

ExpandTransaction( string sessionId )

This overload is called for api methods:

  • Pay (PaytureCommands.Pay). On Payture side
  • Add (PaytureCommands.Add). On Payture side

Example for PaytureCommands.Pay:

var sessionId = "e5c43d9f-2646-42bc-aeec-0b9005ceb972"; //received from PaytureCommands.Init 

//Create and expand transaction 
var payTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.Pay ).ExpandTransaction( sessionId );

ExpandTransaction( string MD, string paRes )

This overload is called for api methods:

  • PaySubmut3DS (PaytureCommands.PaySubmit3DS). Example for:
var md = "20150624160356619170 "; //received from ACS 
var pares = "ODJhYTk0NGUtMDk0ZlKJjjhbjlsrglJKJHNFKSRFLLkjnksdfjgdlgkd.... "; //received from ACS 

//Create and expand transaction 
var paySubmitTransaction = merchant.EWallet( PaytureCommands.PaySubmit3DS ).ExpandTransaction( md, pares );

ExpandTransaction Methods for PaytureApplePay and PaytureAndroidPay

ExpandTransaction( string payToken, string orderId, int? amount )

This overload you call for:

  • Pay (PaytureCommands.Pay)
  • Block (PaytureCommands.Block) Description of provided params.
Parameter's name Definition
payToken PayToken for current transaction.
orderId Current transaction OrderId, if you miss this value (if pass null) - it will be generate on Payture side.
amount Current transaction amount in kopec (pass null for ApplePay).

Last Step - Send request

After transaction is expanded you can send request to the Payture server via one of two methods:

  • ProcessOperation(); - this is sync method. The executed thread will be block while waiting response from the server - return the PaytureResponse object.
  • ProcessOperationAsync(); - this async method, return Task object.

Base Types :


This object used for PaytureAPI and consist of following fields:

Fields's name Field's type Definition
OrderId string Payment identifier in your service system.
Amount long Amount of payment kopec.
PAN string Card's number.
EMonth string The expiry month of card.
EYear string The expiry year of card.
CardHolder string Card's holder name.
SecureCode string CVC2/CVV2.

You can use following constructors for creation PayInfo object:

var infoFirst = new PayInfo( 
    "4111111111111112", //PAN
    10, //EMonth
    20, //EYear
    "Test Test", //CardHolder
    123, //SecureCode
    "TestOrder0000000000512154545", //OrderId
    580000 //Amount 
var infoSecond = new PayInfo( 
    "4111111111111112", //PAN
    "10", //EMonth
    "20", //EYear
    "Test Test", //CardHolder
    "123", //SecureCode
    "TestOrder0000000000512154545", //OrderId
    580000 //Amount 

As you can see theese two conscructors differ the type of recieved arguments for EMonth, EYear and SecureCode fields. Choose the most convenient. Internally theese fields pass a restriction check:

  • EMonth - takes values from 1 to 12 inclusively.
  • EYear - two last digit of expiry year, must be greate or equal to current year.
  • SecureCode - only digit allowed.


This object used for PaytureEWallet and consist of following fields:

Fields's name Field's type Definition
CardId string Card identifier in Payture system.
CardNumber string Card's number.
EMonth int The expiry month of card.
EYear int The expiry year of card.
CardHolder string Card's holder name.
SecureCode int CVC2/CVV2.

Examples of creation instance of Card:

var card = new Card( "4111111111111112", 10, 20, "Test Test", 123 ); //create card with CardId = null
var cardWithId = new Card( "4111111111111112", 10, 20, "Test Test", 123, "40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077" ); //create card with CardId = "40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077"


This is object used for PaytureEWallet and PaytureInPay, consist of following fields

Fields's name Field's type Definition
SessionType string Session Type - determines the type of operation. In this object - it's string representation of SessionType enum.
IP string Customer's IP adress.
TemplateTag string Tamplate which used for payment page.
Language string Addition parameter for determining language of template.
OrderId string Payment identifier in your service system.
Amount long Amount of payment kopec.
Url string The address to which Customer will be return after completion of payment.
Product string Name of product.
Total int? Total Amount of purchase.
ConfirmCode string Confirmation code from SMS. Required in case of confirm request for current transaction.
CustomFields string Addition transaction's fields.

Examples of creation instance of Data:

//public Data( SessionType sessionType, string orderId, long amount, string ip )
var dataFirst = new Data( 
    SessionType.Pay, //SessionType.Pay - for one-stage operation; SessionType.Block - for two-stage operation; SessionType.Add - for adding card (PaytureEWallet)

//public Data( SessionType sessionType, string orderId, long amount, string ip, string product, Int64? total, string url, string template, string lang ) 
var dataSecond = new Data( 
    SessionType.Pay, //SessionType.Pay - for one-stage operation; SessionType.Block - for two-stage operation; SessionType.Add - for adding card (PaytureEWallet)
    "", //return address for customer then payment will be processed

var customFields = new Dictionary<string, string> { //This is addition transaction's fields in PaytureEWallet
    { "Email", "[email protected]" },
    { "CustomerDescription", "SoImpotantInfo" },
    { "AdditionField", "AdditionInfo" }
var confirmCode = "123454787" //required in case in confirm request for current transaction OrderId, otherwise pass null
//public Data( SessionType sessionType, string orderId, long amount, string ip, string product, Int64? total, string confirmCode,  IDictionary<string, string> customFields, string template, string lang )
var dataThird = new Data( 
    SessionType.Pay, //SessionType.Pay - for one-stage operation; SessionType.Block - for two-stage operation; SessionType.Add - for adding card (PaytureEWallet)


This is enum of all available commands for Payture API.

PaytureCommands list and availability in every api type

Command Api InPay EWallet Apple Android Description
Pay + + + + + Command for pay transaction. In InPay and EWallet can be used for Block operation
Block + + + Block of funds on customer card. You can write-off of funds by Charge command or unlocking of funds by Unblock command
Charge + + + Write-off of funds from customer card
Refund + + + Operation for refunds
Unblock + + + Unlocking of funds on customer card
GetState + Get the actual state of payments in Payture processing system
Init + + Payment initialization, customer will be redirected on Payture payment gateway page for enter card's information
PayStatus + + Get the actual state of payments in Payture processing system
Add + Register new card in Payture system
Register + Register new customer account
Update + Update customer account
Check + Check for existing customer account in Payture system
Delete + Delete customer account from Payture system
Activate + Activate registered card in Payture system
Remove + Delete card from Payture system
GetList + Return list of registered cards for the customer existed in Payture system
SendCode + Additional authentication for customer payment
Pay3DS + Command for one-stage charge from card with 3-D Secure
Block3DS + Block of funds on customer card with 3-D Secure
PaySubmit3DS + Commands for completed charging funds from card with 3-D Secure


This object used for PaytureEWallet and consist of following fields:

Fields's name Field's type Definition
VWUserLgn string Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended).
VWUserPsw string Customer's password in Payture system.
PhoneNumber string Customer's phone number.
Email string Customer's email.
var customer = new Customer( "[email protected]", "customerPassword"); //create customer without phone and email
var customer2 = new Customer( "[email protected]", "customerPassword", "77125141212", "[email protected]" ); //customer with all fields


This object is response from the Payture server and consist of following fields:

Fields's name Field's type Definition
APIName PaytureCommands Name of commands that was called.
Success bool Determines the success of processing request.
ErrCode string Will be contain code of error if one occur during process the transaction on the Payture server.
RedirectURL string Will be contain the new location for redirect. (for PaytureCommands.Init).
Attributes Dictionary<string, string> Addition attributes from the response.
InternalElements dynamic Additional information from the response.
ListCards List List of cards, theese registered for current Customer (this field filled for PaytureCommands.GetList)
ResponseBodyXML string String representation received from Payture server in XML format


Special object for containing Customer card's information, that we're received from PaytureCommands.GetList command

Fields's name Field's type Definition
CardNumber string The masked card's number.
CardId string Card identifier in Payture system.
CardHolder string Name of card's holder
ActiveStatus string Indicate of card's active status in Payture system
Expired bool Indicate whether the card expired on the current date
NoCVV bool Indicate whether or not payment without CVV/CVC2


You don't needed to create object of this type by yoursef - it will be created for you then you access to appopriate API via Merchant object. This object contans the necessary fields which used in request construction process. And this is abstract type.

Test application

You can download simple test application - realized as console app - and test work of our API just type the command in command line. Full description of command for app available into app by the command help. And then the app starts - it ask you for necessity of assistance.

Visit our site for more information. You can find our contact here.


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