The Arduino folder contains the code needs to be loaded at the arduino chip. The RaspberryPi folder contains a python script need to be run at the root of the Pi
use the ssh command to connect your PC with Raspberry Pi:
- ssh -l pi
//Note: the ip address of the Rapberry Pi might changes
The password is peel1234
After log into the Pi, you will see
pi@picontroller ~ $
- sudo su //log into the root environment
- cd
- python //run the python script on the Pi
Now you can control the platform from your phone app
##To remote control the desktop of the Pi
After remote connect to the Pi through ssh, type
- vncserver :1
Download and install VNCViewer app
Start VNCViewer in the Applications on your Mac/PC,
VNC Server: //ip address of the Pi
Click Connect, and type the password: peel1234
You can write the python script and move it to the root of the Pi by typing
- sudo cp Desktop/ /root/