Releases: Permify/permify
- 168a28a Merge pull request #2051 from pete-woods/otel-http-server
- d4fe54a Merge pull request #2052 from Permify/funding
- 30e0454 Merge pull request #2053 from pete-woods/otel-http-server
- 75cab6a Merge pull request #2054 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 8da905c Merge pull request #2055 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- a91f404 Merge pull request #2056 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-handler-4.1.119.Final
- 0ea3d6a Merge pull request #2057 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http-4.1.119.Final
- c01a43e Merge pull request #2058 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http2-4.1.119.Final
- 36cfb26 Merge pull request #2059 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 419bb62 Merge pull request #2060 from Permify/update-permify-api-version-v1.3.3
- 01b4eff Merge pull request #2061 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- d22e03c Merge pull request #2062 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- ac54934 Merge pull request #2063 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- fe54e4a Merge pull request #2064 from Permify/dockerfile-update-v0-4-37
- d3bc2ca build(deps): bump
- 8d186c4 build(deps): bump
- 83c17e0 build(deps): bump from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
- 4b34967 build(deps): bump from 0.23.2 to 0.24.0
- d76af19 build(deps): bump from 0.24.0 to 0.24.1
- df0d5bf build(deps): bump
- 1822bcf build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http in /sdk/java/grpc
- d45dc81 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http2 in /sdk/java/grpc
- 20be436 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-handler in /sdk/java/grpc
- 92605c1 chore(build): update docker image version and add Trivy scan for vulnerabilities
- 99c4d0e feat: create FUNDING.yml
- dc080cf feat: format HTTP server span name according to OTEL conventions
- efc8c40 feat: improve HTTP server span formatting further
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.3.3 and
- 030e7c0 Merge pull request #2033 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-79f7ffe
- 364f99d Merge pull request #2034 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 819b9e0 Merge pull request #2035 from Permify/dependabot/docker/golang-79f7ffe
- 9e24553 Merge pull request #2039 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- f1dda33 Merge pull request #2048 from pete-woods/otel-http-server
- aee3cf0 Merge pull request #2049 from Permify/fix-2040-tls-servername-override-distributed
- 3907c5c Merge pull request #2050 from Permify/update-permify-api-version-v1.3.2
- 99476be build(deps): bump
- e9077ee build(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1
- 0b08081 build(deps): bump golang from
- 57ae8f3 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 7917548 feat: add OTEL handler for http server
- e2c91a6 fix(internal/engines/balancer): improve TLS credential handling
- cfa88dd fix(internal/engines/balancer, pkg/cmd): add parameter for TLS certificate path
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.3.2 and
- 82b5474 Merge pull request #2004 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 2606578 Merge pull request #2005 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-1.24rc3-alpine3.20
- c72b962 Merge pull request #2008 from Permify/feature-update-telemetry-handlers
- 35a036d Merge pull request #2009 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 642b6e3 Merge pull request #2010 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 2639fa4 Merge pull request #2011 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- aa2148f Merge pull request #2013 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-3cf3c41
- bf53d96 Merge pull request #2014 from Permify/fix-user-set-entrance-call
- 3a52ebd Merge pull request #2015 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 606c7a2 Merge pull request #2016 from Permify/dependabot/docker/golang-1.23.6-alpine3.20
- d19e4b5 Merge pull request #2017 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http2-4.1.118.Final
- cf2212c Merge pull request #2018 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http-4.1.118.Final
- 1efea70 Merge pull request #2019 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-handler-4.1.118.Final
- ce4c30e Merge pull request #2021 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 5bbabd1 Merge pull request #2022 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- f509808 Merge pull request #2023 from Permify/update-metric-histogram-fixes
- 5dd8df5 Merge pull request #2024 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-1.24-alpine3.20
- f84a905 Merge pull request #2025 from Permify/dependabot/docker/golang-1.24.0-alpine3.20
- 4484076 Merge pull request #2026 from Permify/update-go-version-1.24
- be43680 Merge pull request #2027 from Permify/update-nightly-release-version
- 9ff760c Merge pull request #2028 from Permify/update-nightly-release-version
- 917528e Merge pull request #2029 from Permify/update-nightly-release-version
- b1970e7 Merge pull request #2030 from Permify/update-nightly-release-version
- 85bafe6 Merge pull request #2031 from step-security-bot/stepsecurity_remediation_1739448199
- 443492b [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions
- 6c2ad0c build(deps): bump
- 3092e88 build(deps): bump
- 1f2f56b build(deps): bump
- c6c8675 build(deps): bump from 1.3.3 to 1.4.0
- bdab96c build(deps): bump golang from 1.23.5-alpine3.20 to 1.23.6-alpine3.20
- bf257a5 build(deps): bump golang from 1.23.6-alpine3.20 to 1.24.0-alpine3.20
- f27aac7 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 0306c86 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 66f05d2 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 9eba341 build(deps): bump from 0.34.0 to 0.35.0
- 3331743 build(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0
- 79d340e build(deps): bump from 1.36.4 to 1.36.5
- f534192 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http in /sdk/java/grpc
- f6a29d4 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http2 in /sdk/java/grpc
- 2b62585 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-handler in /sdk/java/grpc
- 02fa7a6 build: version info update
- 7e3bd72 chore: update Go versions in workflows and go.mod files
- 8a83581 feat(ci): update goreleaser version to use v2 range for nightly releases
- aacec61 feat: update goreleaser version to v2.7.0 in nightly workflow
- 88403da fix: update GoReleaser version to v6.2.1 and distribution version to v2.7.0
- c9ba5da fix: update goreleaser/goreleaser-action to v6.2.1
- 63d7cbc refactor(telemetry): update HandlerFactory function to use telemetry package.
- a386ff5 refactor: update JSON marshaling to protojson in Postgres storage functions.
- f4745b9 refactor: update metric package import paths in various files.
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.3.1 and
- ed9c659 fix(internal): Update transaction isolation level to ReadCommitted
- 47a3477 Merge pull request #1989 from kortexco/brian/negative-depth-count-fix
- 46c9dab Merge pull request #1992 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/react-router-7.1.5
- e49b36b Merge pull request #1993 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 87cdc6d Merge pull request #1994 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- d18d361 Merge pull request #1995 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/joda-time-joda-time-2.13.1
- cf5b990 Merge pull request #1996 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/rest/joda-time-joda-time-2.13.1
- 358b69d Merge pull request #1997 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-1.24rc2-alpine3.20
- d947b05 Merge pull request #2000 from Permify/update-tx-options-read-committed
- 78b80db Merge pull request #2003 from Permify/datawrite-on-conflict
- 68705a0 Update utils.go
- af94d78 build(deps): bump from 0.23.1 to 0.23.2
- bd8135c build(deps): bump from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- a60ab75 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 86ba588 build(deps): bump joda-time:joda-time in /sdk/java/grpc
- 781269a build(deps): bump joda-time:joda-time in /sdk/java/rest
- f885dbf build(deps): bump react-router from 7.1.3 to 7.1.5 in /playground
- b517294 build: version info update
- 3b6cf0c fix: checkDepth should throw error if depth <= 0
- 4a47a8a fix: data write serialization error
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.3.0 and
- 99b96af Merge pull request #1981 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- b886cf0 Merge pull request #1982 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 4c8a0cd Merge pull request #1983 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 620febf Merge pull request #1984 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 5910e77 Merge pull request #1985 from Permify/hashring
- e041ca4 Merge pull request #1986 from Permify/dependabot/docker/chainguard/static-853bfd4
- 036b893 Merge pull request #1987 from Permify/dependabot/docker/golang-1.23.5-alpine3.20
- 977cf63 Merge pull request #1988 from Permify/update-version-v1-2-9
- 083974d build(deps): bump chainguard/static from
- 9949b8b build(deps): bump
- 98003ba build(deps): bump
- e659e75 build(deps): bump from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0
- 686ab5b build(deps): bump from 0.23.0 to 0.23.1
- 56626b6 build(deps): bump golang from 1.23.4-alpine3.20 to 1.23.5-alpine3.20
- d3dedb8 build: version info update
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.2.9 and
- 29d2bda Merge pull request #1513 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/react-simple-code-editor-0.14.1
- 311d1b6 Merge pull request #1745 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/web-vitals-4.2.4
- 94b9acd Merge pull request #1746 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/query-string-9.1.1
- 7972171 Merge pull request #1867 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/dnd-kit/modifiers-9.0.0
- 8ee1d49 Merge pull request #1868 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/monaco-editor-0.52.2
- 51855b6 Merge pull request #1926 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_grpc_java-
- 03c4959 Merge pull request #1927 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 6dd4e64 Merge pull request #1928 from Permify/feat-add-cursor-pagination-limit
- ceb256f Merge pull request #1937 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-netty-1.70.0
- fdfca43 Merge pull request #1938 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-protobuf-1.70.0
- ed164f4 Merge pull request #1939 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-api-1.70.0
- 4e350c4 Merge pull request #1940 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-core-1.70.0
- 04a3dff Merge pull request #1941 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-stub-1.70.0
- 5cefc50 Merge pull request #1942 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- b47eb82 Merge pull request #1945 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 90e8e30 Merge pull request #1946 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- c9a36e8 Merge pull request #1950 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 77e2ad2 Merge pull request #1951 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 01e4caf Merge pull request #1952 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- c22cf5f Merge pull request #1953 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 64bfa2b Merge pull request #1954 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 06089e3 Merge pull request #1955 from Permify/chore/add-engines-field
- 5e515d0 Merge pull request #1956 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 9e4512b Merge pull request #1957 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 74bc51d Merge pull request #1958 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- fd92281 Merge pull request #1959 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- bcac230 Merge pull request #1960 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- e5719af Merge pull request #1961 from Permify/playground-deps
- b6855f0 Merge pull request #1962 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- a170d0c Merge pull request #1963 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- ee75edd Merge pull request #1964 from Permify/playground-deps
- bdf916b Merge pull request #1965 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/zustand-5.0.3
- 824e79d Merge pull request #1966 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/react-dom-19.0.0
- 604afb3 Merge pull request #1967 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/dnd-kit/sortable-10.0.0
- 3200b94 Merge pull request #1968 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/uuid-11.0.5
- a051fe4 Merge pull request #1969 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/react-19.0.0
- 73b9f91 Merge pull request #1970 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/vercel/blob-0.27.1
- 24070d2 Merge pull request #1971 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/react-router-dom-7.1.3
- de937bf Merge pull request #1972 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/react-router-7.1.3
- 8991284 Merge pull request #1973 from Permify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/playground/testing-library/react-16.2.0
- 78828fe Merge pull request #1974 from Permify/fix/reactdom-render-error
- 924c27b Merge pull request #1975 from Permify/feature/add-import-feature-and-update-buttons
- 9dbda01 Merge pull request #1976 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 9e143ae Merge pull request #1977 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- c9b3a80 Merge pull request #1978 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- b9a458f Merge pull request #1979 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_grpc_java-
- e79a13f Merge pull request #1980 from Permify/feature/distributed-consistent-hashing
- 77354dd build(deps): bump @dnd-kit/modifiers from 6.0.1 to 9.0.0 in /playground
- 4690dd2 build(deps): bump @dnd-kit/sortable from 8.0.0 to 10.0.0 in /playground
- 356f75b build(deps): bump @testing-library/react in /playground
- d02f8ba build(deps): bump @vercel/blob from 0.23.4 to 0.27.1 in /playground
- 3ac9f6e build(deps): bump
- d879a3d build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_grpc_java
- bec88f1 build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_grpc_java
- 02eac4a build(deps): bump
- 8616e78 build(deps): bump from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
- 18302d0 build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.23.0
- b0900a4 build(deps): bump
- 9033e47 build(deps): bump
- 1ea6aee build(deps): bump
- a8bb1ba build(deps): bump
- 7810c44 build(deps): bump
- 429e34b build(deps): bump
- b317640 build(deps): bump
- acf5844 build(deps): bump
- c7bb098 build(deps): bump
- b3976f5 build(deps): bump
- 465a649 build(deps): bump
- a2075dd build(deps): bump from 0.30.0 to 0.33.0 in /sdk/go/grpc
- 991a451 build(deps): bump from 1.69.4 to 1.70.0
- 48f249a build(deps): bump in /sdk/go/grpc
- dd778b0 build(deps): bump from 1.36.3 to 1.36.4
- e003d73 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-api in /sdk/java/grpc
- 1da7f39 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-core in /sdk/java/grpc
- 489be14 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-netty in /sdk/java/grpc
- 5b7e38f build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-protobuf ...
- 7b3d083 Merge pull request #1911 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http-4.1.117.Final
- 1b0ebfc Merge pull request #1912 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http2-4.1.117.Final
- 222a041 Merge pull request #1913 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-handler-4.1.117.Final
- 0f2cf11 Merge pull request #1914 from Permify/docs
- 229ea21 Merge pull request #1915 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 25fada6 Merge pull request #1916 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-1.23.5-alpine3.20
- 9157d6b Merge pull request #1917 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-api-1.69.1
- ebecf14 Merge pull request #1918 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-core-1.69.1
- e7fb5e7 Merge pull request #1919 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-netty-1.69.1
- e2804aa Merge pull request #1920 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-protobuf-1.69.1
- 737cdab Merge pull request #1921 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-stub-1.69.1
- c910e05 Merge pull request #1924 from Permify/entity-filter-fix-entrance
- aad5f48 Merge pull request #1925 from Permify/entity-filter-refactor
- 8ede514 build(deps): bump
- 5736f04 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 4f8448a build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-api in /sdk/java/grpc
- e93e988 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-core in /sdk/java/grpc
- 0dab3f6 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-netty in /sdk/java/grpc
- 8663b86 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-protobuf in /sdk/java/grpc
- 5782321 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-stub in /sdk/java/grpc
- 44c518e build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http in /sdk/java/grpc
- 6edf3c9 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http2 in /sdk/java/grpc
- 677934f build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-handler in /sdk/java/grpc
- e03819b fix(internal): Fix comparison condition for entity entrance type.
- f616e1a test(internal): Add test case for linked schema entrance validation
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.2.7 and
- a80acc8 Merge pull request #1883 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 95ccec7 Merge pull request #1890 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- d2580bc Merge pull request #1891 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-6a8532e
- 44d6bb0 Merge pull request #1895 from Permify/dependabot/docker/chainguard/static-7e1e8a0
- 415bdf5 Merge pull request #1896 from Permify/dependabot/docker/golang-2314d93
- 39530a0 Merge pull request #1897 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- dc1b1ee Merge pull request #1898 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 4bdc3ce Merge pull request #1899 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 471c0b4 Merge pull request #1902 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-2314d93
- 385eccb Merge pull request #1903 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java-
- 1e8119b Merge pull request #1904 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-6a84ccd
- 8b3b95d Merge pull request #1905 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 78d5785 Merge pull request #1906 from Permify/dependabot/docker/golang-6a84ccd
- c3e514a Merge pull request #1907 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- aa0ab42 Merge pull request #1908 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 39f76b0 Merge pull request #1909 from knbr13/improve-type-assertion-handling-in-compiler-compile
- 846b2fc Merge pull request #1910 from Permify/version
- 0a72ff0 build(deps): bump
- 51d0fb3 build(deps): bump
- 5add595 build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java
- f70aa23 build(deps): bump chainguard/static from
- 0716a07 build(deps): bump from 3.24.0 to 3.24.1
- b0d9e05 build(deps): bump
- 205444c build(deps): bump golang from
- d4fa884 build(deps): bump golang from
- b925aef build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 4a6d2e7 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- a2952ec build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 25e6788 build(deps): bump from 0.33.0 to 0.34.0
- 58edda7 build(deps): bump from 1.69.2 to 1.69.4
- 98adf3b build(deps): bump in /sdk/go/grpc
- 19b1ac6 build(deps): bump from 1.36.1 to 1.36.2
- 5b47efa feat: Update version to v1.2.6 in multiple API reference files.
- f2da120 refactor: eliminate repeated type assertions in (*Compiler).Compile
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.2.6 and
- 46aa387 Added links to Otel tools in Otel exporter doc
- 84a06b7 Merge pull request #1854 from CodingFabian/otel-links
- 8ca02d0 Merge pull request #1855 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 4f701c0 Merge pull request #1857 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java-
- 0d29d54 Merge pull request #1858 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 774ea7b Merge pull request #1859 from Permify/readme-changes
- 45cc719 Merge pull request #1860 from Permify/dependabot/docker/golang-1.23.4-alpine3.20
- 1e2401a Merge pull request #1861 from Permify/dependabot/docker/chainguard/static-f5fe67a
- 7ad646f Merge pull request #1862 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 59d99e0 Merge pull request #1864 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 9e884d6 Merge pull request #1865 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- fb6831a Merge pull request #1866 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 2cb7756 Merge pull request #1869 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 1ab2fe9 Merge pull request #1870 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 324d20a Merge pull request #1871 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- fc80bdd Merge pull request #1872 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- d5b2ca9 Merge pull request #1873 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 5ebbfc5 Merge pull request #1874 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- a6ecaba Merge pull request #1875 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 412ceef Merge pull request #1876 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 653b266 Merge pull request #1877 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 820c6b8 Merge pull request #1878 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 70e1f2e Merge pull request #1879 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 3e9c9d4 Merge pull request #1880 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- fded093 Merge pull request #1881 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- ba6f13c Merge pull request #1882 from Permify/feature/secure-jitter-backoff
- 15253c6 build(deps): bump
- 846fc39 build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java
- 278295e build(deps): bump chainguard/static from
- a811fc8 build(deps): bump
- 74dcc24 build(deps): bump
- f95a13a build(deps): bump from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2
- f13054a build(deps): bump from 2.22.0 to 2.22.2
- 53827e8 build(deps): bump from 1.36.0 to 1.36.2
- c05b5f6 build(deps): bump from 3.23.0 to 3.24.0
- bfee844 build(deps): bump from 1.2.4 to 1.3.3
- 44c8c8c build(deps): bump
- 10c0d78 build(deps): bump
- c1471be build(deps): bump
- 37b6436 build(deps): bump
- 31630a0 build(deps): bump
- 489b1a1 build(deps): bump
- 648b6e3 build(deps): bump
- c9d4322 build(deps): bump
- 3dc0e42 build(deps): bump from 1.32.0 to 1.33.0
- 45312c8 build(deps): bump golang from 1.23.3-alpine3.20 to 1.23.4-alpine3.20
- 931864d build(deps): bump from 1.68.0 to 1.69.2
- 98b13ac build(deps): bump in /sdk/go/grpc
- e0bd150 feat(backoff): implement secure jitter using crypto/rand
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.2.5 and
- c9cc7cf Merge pull request #1816 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 5aaa60a Merge pull request #1817 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 50d56ce Merge pull request #1819 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/crate-ci/typos-1.28.2
- 2745018 Merge pull request #1820 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java-
- a5a67b1 Merge pull request #1821 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_grpc_java-
- 8d25481 Merge pull request #1822 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-1.23.4-alpine3.20
- fb561d1 Merge pull request #1823 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/github/codeql-action-3.27.6
- 74d246c Merge pull request #1824 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 29a86ce Merge pull request #1825 from Permify/dependabot/docker/integration-test/golang-9a31ef0
- 78ddb96 Merge pull request #1828 from Juneezee/refactor/replace-experimental-with-stdlib
- e632112 Merge pull request #1831 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java-
- 3164e38 Merge pull request #1832 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-stub-1.69.0
- 8cc188f Merge pull request #1833 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-core-1.69.0
- 9f187ac Merge pull request #1834 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-protobuf-1.69.0
- 11fa9d2 Merge pull request #1835 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-netty-1.69.0
- 6a40a7a Merge pull request #1836 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.grpc-grpc-api-1.69.0
- b0f2a48 Merge pull request #1837 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/github/codeql-action-3.27.7
- 844c2fd Merge pull request #1838 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/actions/setup-go-5.2.0
- 617e9c0 Merge pull request #1839 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/
- 62b1173 Merge pull request #1840 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/crate-ci/typos-1.28.3
- e55715a Merge pull request #1841 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/github/codeql-action-3.27.9
- 0716558 Merge pull request #1842 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/build.buf.gen-permifyco_permify_grpc_java-
- 5fd8dd8 Merge pull request #1843 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 21106c6 Merge pull request #1845 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/docker/setup-buildx-action-3.8.0
- ec6849b Merge pull request #1846 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/crate-ci/typos-1.28.4
- d44f8a0 Merge pull request #1848 from Permify/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/go/grpc/
- 88f77ed Merge pull request #1849 from Permify/dependabot/github_actions/actions/upload-artifact-4.5.0
- 65f7f44 Merge pull request #1850 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http-4.1.116.Final
- 0af3c1f Merge pull request #1851 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-codec-http2-4.1.116.Final
- 6d36b54 Merge pull request #1852 from Permify/dependabot/maven/sdk/java/grpc/io.netty-netty-handler-4.1.116.Final
- 1fc2408 Merge pull request #1853 from Permify/server/validation
- e4c75cc build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0
- 507e9e2 build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.4.3 to 4.5.0
- 3b671f8 build(deps): bump
- 020763e build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_grpc_java
- c797da2 build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_grpc_java
- af737a8 build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java
- e261760 build(deps): bump build.buf.gen:permifyco_permify_protocolbuffers_java
- 18574c8 build(deps): bump crate-ci/typos from 1.28.1 to 1.28.2
- c63fb1e build(deps): bump crate-ci/typos from 1.28.2 to 1.28.3
- e4ff980 build(deps): bump crate-ci/typos from 1.28.3 to 1.28.4
- b0e2b75 build(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.7.1 to 3.8.0
- c006ffc build(deps): bump from 1.35.1 to 1.36.0
- 189d03c build(deps): bump from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0
- 134284e build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.27.5 to 3.27.6
- 278a322 build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.27.6 to 3.27.7
- 67c3508 build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.27.7 to 3.27.9
- 8bcfee7 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- 69726e8 build(deps): bump golang in /integration-test
- a3e038c build(deps): bump from 0.29.0 to 0.31.0
- eff9382 build(deps): bump in /sdk/go/grpc
- 34dee77 build(deps): bump in /sdk/go/grpc
- 08a7ba7 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-api in /sdk/java/grpc
- dc4191a build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-core in /sdk/java/grpc
- 4827674 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-netty in /sdk/java/grpc
- 0020d5e build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-protobuf in /sdk/java/grpc
- 317e4a1 build(deps): bump io.grpc:grpc-stub in /sdk/java/grpc
- 33e2d52 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http in /sdk/java/grpc
- 40a299b build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-codec-http2 in /sdk/java/grpc
- 6361d25 build(deps): bump io.netty:netty-handler in /sdk/java/grpc
- deb82b4 fix: remove max_items constraint from repeated validation rule
- 7f73884 refactor: replace usages of
with stdlib
This version can be found as Docker images at permify/permify:v1.2.4 and