This ansible role helps to setup simple strongswan vpn on a dedicated centos-7 server.
I've made it for private usage, but decided to publish it to help my friends to setup vpn servers.
Use it on your own risk.
The work is based on this post (russian) by ValdikSS.
Create requiments.yml
file or add this lines to existing file.
# req.yml
- src: git+
version: master
Install the role:
ansible-galaxy install -r req.yml
Simple playbook example.
The example playbook will:
- setup strongswan server using RSA based certificates for authentication.
- setup NAT and packet forwarding in iptables.
Certificates are expected to be in pki_dir
and created with easy-rsa-ipsec tool by ValdikSS.
You can setup your PKI using this tool or a simple role.
At least ca.crt and server certificate for
should be created.
- hosts:
- role: simple-strongswan-centos-7
pki_dir: /home/user/easy-rsa/easyrsa3/pki