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Alternative flat binary format for Protobuf schema. It' works like FlatBuffers, but it's usually smaller and surpports map. Flat means no deserialization overhead. A benchmark shows the Protobuf has considerable deserialization overhead and significant reflection overhead. FlatBuffers is fast but wastes space. ProtoCache takes balance of data size and read speed, so it's useful in data caching.

Protobuf ProtoCache FlatBuffers
Wire format size 574B 780B 1296B
Decode + Traverse + Dealloc (1 million times) 1941ms 154ms 83ms
Decode + Traverse + Dealloc (1 million times, reflection) 6127ms 323ms 478ms

With about 1KB dictionary trained by random small ProtoCache objects, ProtoCache+Zstandard can achieve faster reading and smaller data than Protobuf.

Level -1 1 3 5 11 22
Compressed data size 604 513 513 501 496 486
Decompress (1 million times) 393ms 1490ms 1554ms 1504ms 1493ms 1576ms

Difference to Protobuf

Field IDs should not be too sparse. It's illegal to reverse field by assigning a large ID. Normal message should not have any field named _, message with only one such field will be considered as an alias. Alias to array or map is useful. We can declare a 2D array like this.

message Vec2D {
	message Vec1D {
		repeated float _ = 1;
	repeated Vec1D _ = 1;

Some features in Protobuf, like Services, are not supported by ProtoCache.

Code Gen

protoc --pccx_out=. [--pccx_opt=extra] test.proto

A protobuf compiler plugin called protoc-gen-pccx is available to generate header-only C++ file. The generated file is short and human friendly. Howerver, there is a known flaw that type declaration order may break C++ compilation. Don't mind to edit it if nessasery. If option extra is set, it will generate more header and source files for extra APIs.


auto data = protocache::Serialize(pb_message);

// =========basic api=========
test::Main root(;

// =========extra api=========
protocache::Slice<uint32_t> view(data);
::ex::test::Main root(view);

auto copy = root.Serialize();
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), copy.size());

// deserialize to pb
protocache::Deserialize(view, &pb_mirror);

You can create protocache binary by serializing a protobuf message with protocache::Serialize. The Basic API offers fast read-only access with zero-copy technique. Extra APIs provide a mutable object and another serialization method.

Protobuf ProtoCacheEX ProtoCache
Serialize (1 million times) 550ms 2416ms 7859ms
Decode + Traverse + Dealloc (1 million times) 1941ms 1042ms 154ms


std::string err;
google::protobuf::FileDescriptorProto file;
ASSERT_TRUE(protocache::ParseProtoFile("test.proto", &file, &err));

protocache::reflection::DescriptorPool pool;

auto descriptor = pool.Find("test.Main");
ASSERT_NE(descriptor, nullptr);

The reflection apis are simliar to protobuf's. An example can be found in the test.

Other Implements

Language Source

Data Size Evaluation

Following work in paper, we can find that protocache has smaller data size than FlatBuffers and Cap'n Proto, in most cases.

Protobuf ProtoCache FlatBuffers Cap'n Proto Protobuf-ZSTD1 ProtoCache-ZSTD1 Cap'n Proto (Packed)
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Alternative flat binary format for Protobuf schema








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