A discordrpc client for ZDoom written in Rust.
WIP(?) cross-platform support. It works on Linux and Windows, still need to test on MacOS. Use at own risk and all that yada yada.
I'm making this because:
- I could not find a pre-existing DiscordRPC client for it
- This is something I would actively use, which would make developing it that much more fun
- I can actually visualize how I would go about it, unlike most other projects where I feel blind as a bat
- Program reads first argument
- Program connects to Discord via RPC
- It then looks for a doom process based on supplied argument, and parses it's window title ("level - game/mod")
- It is separated into an &str vector
- The icon will be the logo for the game/mod, the status will be the level, and the hover text will be the game/mod
- Program loops every 15 secs, looping every second would be overkill
- First make sure that GZDoom or LZDoom is running, if using GZDoom make sure to be inside of a level.
- Download a prebuilt binary from the releases section.
- Open a terminal (on Windows, CMD or PowerShell should work just fine) then...
ENGINE = gzdoom
or lzdoom
Linux: chmod +x gzdoom-discordrpc
, then ./gzdoom-discordrpc ENGINE
Windows: .\gzdoom-discordrpc.exe ENGINE
From source:
git clone https://github.com/Phate6660/gzdoom-discordrpc
cd gzdoom-discordrpc
cargo run -- ENGINE
DOOM (with LZDoom):
Project Brutality:
- Rename project to zdoom-discordrpc, that way it makes more sense.