This is a quick little project that I threw together to explore different potential time complexities for different Set implementations
There are three implementations
- List based. Just add the element to a list. You can clear the list quickly, but other ops take O(count) time
- Map based. Add elements to an array. This works really well if you are using most of your domain. Inset, remove, and lookup are fast, but clear is slow
- Hybrid. Use both a List and a Map. Twice the memory footprint, but you can do all ops in O(1)
x | Insert | Remove | Lookup | Clear |
LIST | O(count) | O(count) | O(Count) | O(1) |
MAP | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(N) |
HYBRID | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) |
There is a make file with three main commands
- test - creates an executable to run a set of unit tests on the algorythms. You can change what algorythm is put through the test in test.cpp I'm using the catch ( testing framwork.
- evaluate - creates an executable to see how the algs perform (time-wise). You can play around with the two main parameters (STRESS_REPS and DOMAIN_MAX) in evaluate.cpp
- clean - removes the .o's for test and evaluate
There is one ADT (set.hpp) that the tree algo's inheret from. The implementations do require a domain range to be provided. The code is half set up to accept both a LOW and HIGH d=bound, but is currently only tested with a high bound