Telegram Bot for summaries and deleting of raids in combination with PokeAlarm and MyPGoBot
- Git
- NodeJS, NPM
- Telegram Bot ('/newbot' in a chat with the Botfather)
- Clone the source
git clone
- Run
npm install
to set up the project - Copy config.js.example to config.js, edit the latter and add your bot-token
- Set a webhook for your bot in your browser:<token>/setwebhook?url=<https://your-server:3000/webhook>
(a certificate is needed, take a look at this guide) or use a reverse proxy with a subdomain that links to your bot address.
- Run
npm start
(preferred in a tmux or screen session) - Add your bot to one or more channels in Telegram
- The bot reads new raid messages posted to a channel by PokeAlarm and/or MyPGoBot and adds them to a summary (works with styles shown below)
- The summary will be deleted and reposted when a raid is added
- Raids will be deleted in summary and channel if expired
- Channels will be cleaned at 21:30h (local time)