ECharts is a free, powerful charting and visualization library offering an easy way of adding intuitive, interactive, and highly customizable charts to your commercial products. It is written in pure JavaScript and based on zrender, which is a whole new lightweight canvas library.
Download on echarts.baidu.com
npm install echarts --save
ECharts-GL is an extension pack of echarts, which providing 3D plots, globe visualization and WebGL acceleration.
Get from https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts-gl
npm install echarts-gl --save
Graph Modularity Graph modularity extension for community detection
leaflet-echarts by wandergis
arcgis-echarts by wandergis
- angular-echarts by wangshijun
- echarts-ng by bornkiller
- ng-echarts by liekkas
- vue-echarts by Justineo
- vue-echarts by panteng
- vue-echarts-v3 by xlsdg
- echarts-for-react by hustcc
- react-echarts by somonus
- re-echarts by liekkas
- react-echarts-v3 by xlsdg
- d2recharts by leungwensen
- react-native-echarts by somonus
- echarts-python by yufeiminds
- krisk by napjon
- pyecharts by chenjiandong
- recharts by taiyun
- recharts by yihui
- ECharts2Shiny by XD-DENG
- ECharts.jl by randyzwitch
- iOS-Echarts by Pluto-Y
- ECharts-Java by Liuzh_533
- EChartsSDK by idoku
- Echarts-PHP by hisune
- Node-Echarts by suxiaoxin
- Release:
node <echarts_dir>/build/build.js
. - Watch:
node <echarts_dir>/build/build.js -w
. - Build with certain language:
node <echarts_dir>/build/build.js --lang xx
, wherexx
is the shortcut of the language, and a corresponding filelangXX.js
is required in<echarts_dir>
. - Other usages:
node <echarts_dir>/build/build.js -h
ECharts is available under the BSD license.