pilz_teach is a PRBT6 teaching software module: Jogging the manipulator and defining poses as you are used to in robotics controllers, but using native ROS functionality.
It can be used without additional hardware (keyboard-only-mode by default) but has easy interfaces to connect to any external device.
prbt_jog_arm_support contains launch and config files to bring up the robot together with jog_arm.
pilz_teleoperation contains a python driver and frondend to jog the robot interactively.
- pilz_robots package and tutorials for getting started with PRBT6 robot manipulator module
- jog_arm, currently in moveit_experimental used for jogging the manipulator best used together with tork-a/fake_joint if testing jogging in a simulation environment.
- TODO: evaluate tork-a/jog_control?!
- ros-teleop/teleop_twist_keyboard, see #16 there for 6D-extension
- ros-teleop/teleop_tools