RK3399 Pro NPU support for Caffe SSD detector
assume you have installed RKNN toolkit and it's dependencies or you can install it first by
$ pip install rknn_toolkit-0.9.9-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
the package you can find at
you can find the pedestrian detecttion model of this project at [here].
extract priorbox (you need change the caffe_root path to yours in priorbox.py, or may need install caffe-ssd first, caffe-ssd you can find at [here])
$ python priorbox.py
convert model and run pedestrian detection (may take some time to run)
$ python3 npu_ssd_det.py
you can use NMS algorithm to remove redundant rects.
In order to get priorbox ,when you change the detection model, you should modify model's prototxt looks like MobileNetSSD_deploy_truncated.prototxt
Different model has different outlen (npu_ssd_det.py),If you change the detection model, you should replace the outlen first,How to do this see [issue]