Advanced Logging System for
- Chat Logs
- User Logs
- Slur detection
Future Features:
- Charts/Graphs/Heatmaps
PixelBot is a team of developers and testers creating bots for PixelPlace. We don't necessarily work on the same project together, but we cooperate and help each other with our personal projects.
Project Name | Created by | About |
PyPixel | Duchesskero | Communicating with PixelPlace using |
Printer | Duchesskero | A bot made in python |
DisasterBot & LEGACY DisasterBot | Simon | Bringing Disaster Simulations to /7! |
PixelPlaceTTT | Duchesskero, Simon, AlmosYT | Tic Tac Toe in PixelPlace! |
HawkEye | Simon & AlmosYT | An advanced logging system for |
Project Saturn | Duchesskero, Simon, AlmosYT | Fastest and most versatile Bot for Pixelplace |
CGOL | Simon | Conway's Game of Life in Pixelplace |
StrackingViz | Simon | Visualizer for Save-Tracking Data |
Anyone can join the PixelBot team. You don't need to know how to code. If you have a personal bot project, and need assistance with it while helping us out too, feel free to join!
The following positions are available:
- Python Developer
- C# Developer
- Other Developer
- Tester
Click here to join!
We do not take responsibility if your account on PixelPlace is suspended after using code made by the PixelBot team. Multi-botting is not allowed on the 7 canvas, and bots are not allowed at all on MVP.
The bots are currently closed source.