// basic setup
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.01, 500 );
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
// creating a container for our objects
var container = new THREE.Object3D();
// fill this container with other objects
var segmentDraw = new SegmentDraw.SegmentDraw( container, scene, camera, {controls: controls} );
Three kinds of events are available:
when the key to start drawing the segment is pressed (and hold)stopInteraction
when the key to start drawing the segment is releaseddraw
when drawing the segment, called at every little moves
Events are defined with the method .on(...)
// No arguments to 'startInteraction'
segmentDraw.on( "startInteraction", function(){
console.log( "Interaction is starting :)" );
// No arguments to 'stopInteraction'
segmentDraw.on( "stopInteraction", function(){
console.log( "Interaction is over :(" );
// the event 'draw' is called with the first and last point of the segment, as THREE.Vector3
segmentDraw.on( "draw", function( begin, end){
console.log( "------------------" );
console.log( begin );
console.log( end );
Note: each event can have multiple callbacks, they will be called in the order they are defined.
.setBoundingBox( bb )
to restrict the segment to a specific box (world). Wherebb
is aTHREE.Box3
to hide the segment once it's drawn.enable( b )
is aBoolean
. Disable this instance ofSegmentDraw