A Homebridge Plugin to control a Garage Door / Gate via HTTP commands
I have a rPi Controlling my BFT Deimos Ultra A600 Gate via a web server which also allows me to integrate to Alexa. I would ideally like this integrated in to Homekit too, hence this plugin.
The aim is to have the plugin call the same web service that Alexa uses to control the gate:
Then push that back in to HomeKit, and keep in sync if I use the manual controls or Alexa.
sudo npm install -g https://github.com/PlasmaSoftUK/homebridge-http-garagedoor.git
Then in your config.json add this accessory:
"accessory": "HTTPGarageDoor",
"name": "Front Gate",
"activateURL": "",
"statusURL": "",
"statusPollInMs": 4000
I don't expect anything in return for the code I share but if it has helped you and you wish to thank me, feel free to buy me a coffee: