Retrive Vsphere hosts and VM Instances using VMWare's powershell tools
You can install the plugin using the classic way of installing OCS Plugins :
PowerCLI Configuration :
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope AllUsers -ParticipateInCEIP $false
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope AllUsers -WebOperationTimeoutSeconds 300
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope AllUsers -DisplayDeprecationWarnings $false
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope AllUsers -DefaultVIServerMode "Multiple"
To install the agent file, please put the powershell script in the plugins folder of the agent.
For this plugin there is two variants available :
- vsphere.ps1
- vsphere_debug.ps1
The latter will create log file in "%programdata%/OCS Inventory NG/Agent/" called VsphereScan.log and will debug most of the query, values processed by the plugin. You will have to ensure that the Windows machine performing the scan have VMWare tools for powershell installed.
Note : The script have only been tested with agent
Change the line Connect-VIServer
with your credentials.