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Releases: PoPGRI/Race

GRAIC Beta Release v0.2.1

04 May 02:01
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Release v0.2.1 includes:

  • Add rostopics that publish road lane boundary information in left_lane_markers and right_lane_markers

This release also includes the following features:

  • Integration with CARLA scenario runner
  • ScenarioNode: generates scenarios(traffic situations involving other vehicles and pedestrians) on the track
  • One new track: track5; we now have 3 tracks. Each track has a different race configuration
  • New scoring function: summation of time passing each waypoint and a penalty for out of bounds and collisions. Lower scores are better
  • Config for user code to know the vehicle type id ( and will automatically load the configurations)
  • Link to GRAIC Docker v0.2.0:

GRAIC Beta Release v0.2.0

03 May 21:31
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This release includes the following features:

  • Integration with CARLA scenario runner
  • ScenarioNode: generates scenarios(traffic situations involving other vehicles and pedestrians) on the track
  • One new track: track5; we now have 3 tracks. Each track has a different race configuration
  • New scoring function: summation of time passing each waypoint and a penalty for out of bounds and collisions. Lower scores are better
  • Config for user code to know the vehicle type id ( and will automatically load the configurations)
  • Link to GRAIC Docker v0.2.0:

GRAIC Beta Release v0.1.2

31 Mar 01:10
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Since CARLA has officially updated carla-ros-bridge to support CARLA 0.9.11, we have updated our Docker image and made small modifications

GRAIC Beta Release v0.1.1

10 Mar 23:31
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This release includes a patch in the perception module:

  • Modified LaneInfo message type to include more information about left and right lanes
  • Fixed disjoint lane markers at junctions of road segments

GRAIC Beta Release v0.1.0

01 Mar 16:26
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This is the beta release of the GRAIC: A competition for intelligent racing

  • Created a basic structure of the competition framework
  • Imlemented perception_module:
    • graic_raceinfo_publisher provides perfect obstacle information around the ego-vehicle perfect and lane markers that are within a certain distance in front of the ego-vehicle
    • loaction_publisher provides perfect location information of the ego-vehicle
  • Created graic_msgs for the convenience of delivering perception results
  • Implemented race_util_module
    • waypoint_node will provide milestones that vehicles must reach to score in the race
    • model-based-node provides a known dynamic model for vehicles
  • Baseline controller provided in
  • Controller template provided in