Retrieval based biomedical chatbot to answer know bouts of various diseases
- Keras three layers sequential model to classify the type of fact related to a disease
- spaCy biomedical text processing models for disease classification
- NLTK for tokenization, lemmatization, and lowercasing words
- pickle files to store lists of data
- From patterns in intents.json create bag of words after text pre-processing
- Words from the patterns along with their corresponding tag/classes are stored as a list of tupples called document
- List of unique words, classes and disease are stored as pickle files in a separate folder
- A list for training (train_x and train_y) is produced from documents list:
- train_x is a binary list representing the presence of unique words in each pattern
- train_y is a binary list that has '1' only for the class/tag that match the pattern
- Keras sequential() (128 relu, 64 relu, output_row softmax) with SGD as the optimizer is created
- Model is compiled with 'categorical cross entropy' as the loss function, 1000 epochs in batch of 5
- intent_classification.h5 saves the trained model
- In '' firstly, text input from the user is pre-processed and turned into a binary list as bag of words
- Model 'intent_classification.h5' is used to predict the class with probability over a error_threshold
- 'en_ner_bc5cdr_sm' spaCy model and the list in diseases.pkl is used to classify disease from the text input
- class and disease are then used to retrieve response from responses.json
- GUI development using tkinter that contains: input_text area, SEND button, RESET button, and conversation display
- The application starts with the information about its capabilities and the "how to use" manual
- input_text is sent to when SEND is clicked and a bot_response is generated on the display along with the user_input
- The RESET button deletes history and clears the conversation