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| | | | | Rustbin
| | | | | A simple pastebin written in Rust🦀
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Inspired by polarhive/pasta
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Prana-vvb/rustbin.git
CD to the clone and build using Cargo
cd rustbin
cargo build --release
And run the binary in target/release
Or run an unoptimized version with
cd rustbin
cargo run
Paste a file:
curl -F "file=@filename" "localhost:8080/data"
Retrieve a file:
curl "localhost:8080/data/<UID of paste>"
Functional Requirements (As per System Design)
Online text storage service similar to pastebin.com or GitHub gist -
A client (user) enters text data into the system known as a paste -
A paste must not be greater than 1 MB in size -
The system must return a unique paste ID for each Paste -
The client visiting the paste ID must be able to view the paste -
The system must support only text-based data for a paste- WON'T IMPLEMENT -
The paste ID should be readable -
The paste ID should be collision-free -
The paste ID should be non-predictable - The client should be able to choose a custom paste ID
- The paste ID should generate an analytics report (not real-time) such as the total number of access to a paste
- The client should be able to define the expiration time of the paste
- The client should be able to delete a paste
- The client must be able to set the visibility of the paste (public, private)
- The client must be able to set an optional password for the paste
- A paste must be filtered by Pastebin to prevent questionable content