Target is a globally renowned brand and a prominent retailer in the United States, known for offering outstanding value, inspiration, innovation, and an exceptional guest experience.
- Focus: Target's operations in Brazil.
- Data: 100,000 orders (2016-2018).
- Key insights: Order status, pricing, payment, shipping performance, customer location, product attributes, and reviews.
- Objective: Understand order processing, pricing strategies, payment and shipping efficiency, customer demographics, product characteristics, and customer satisfaction.
The data is available in 8 different CSV files:
- customers.csv
- geolocation.csv
- order_items.csv
- payments.csv
- reviews.csv
- orders.csv
- products.csv
- sellers.csv
From the learner's perspective:
- Importance: Crucial for aspiring data analysts and scientists.
- Skill Development: Provides hands-on experience in SQL with Big Query, essential for data analysis and management.
- Tool Familiarity: Develops skills in using BigQuery for data extraction and analysis.
- Practical Experience: Enhances proficiency in constructing complex SQL queries and understanding real-world data scenarios.
- Communication: Improves ability to interact with stakeholders and support data-driven decision-making.