Matthew Cahn
- Getting the job done
- Maintainability
- Style
Using if __name__ == '__main__'
so your module can be imported.
Documenting with doc strings so help() works.
Command line parsing with optparse (if you're using an older version of Python) (Python < 2.7).
Command line parsing.
commandline1.py -- Using sys.argv directly -- BAD
commandline2.py -- argparse (Python 2.7 or newer) -- define your options with code
commandline3.py -- docopt (add-on module) -- define your options with documentation
Interleave two or more lists.
Produce a counter while iterating.
The built-in set type -- unions, intersections, etc.
sets.py -- (Python >= 2.6)
List, dictionary, and set comprehensions -- a concise way to create these objects.
comprehensions.py -- (Python >= 3.0.0 for list, dictionary and set comprehensions)
(Python >= 2.0.0 -- list comprehensions only)
The dictionary setdefault method -- set the default value for a key, or return the current value.
The doctest module -- test a module according to the doc string.
Everything in Python is a reference.
The collections module -- Counter, defaultdict
collectionsDemo.py -- (Counter: Python >= 2.7, defaultdict: Python >= 2.5)
Function argument passing -- positional, keyword, and variable number of arguments.
arguments.py -- (Any Python version, but >= 3.0.0 for this particular example)
The logging module -- send messages to the screen, files, email, etc.
The Global Module index: docs.python.org
docopt.org -- For the docopt module.
Also useful:
The Python Cookbook: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/langs/python/