A smoothly working Telegram bot that gives you all the messages you would normally get through the Terminal. Making Auto-GPT a more user-friendly application to interact with.
First setup a telegram bot by following the instructions here: https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather
Then set the following variables in your .env:
within your .env file. Also keep in mind to use the official documentation on how to use plugins.
to obtain your chat id, send a message to your bot and then use the following command:
curl https://api.telegram.org/bot{your-telegram-bot-token}/getUpdates
Plugins for Auto-GPT
Clone this repo into the plugins direcory of Auto-GPT
For interactionless use, set ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS=example-plugin1,example-plugin2,example-plugin3
in your .env
Plugin | Description |
Telegram | AutoGPT is capable of asking/prompting the user via a Telegram Chat bot and also responds to commands and messages. |