This is the home of a bunch of random projects I made. Here's a quick rundown:
- 📚 Studying at UW Madison as a computer science major!
- (WIP) Course and Degree Requirements made with NextJS. Shows the order of courses that should be taken to fulfill pre-requisites of a course given the courses the student has already taken.
- Sorting Algorithm Visualizer made using PyGame. Imagine the sorting visualizer videos you find online that make funny noises.
- Bunch of algorithms + solutions to memorable competitive programming problems
- Contributed to Deep Blue Robotics' codebases in 2022, 2023, and 2024. In 2022, I helped code the intake subsystem. In 2023, I helped code the arm subsystem + autonomous pathing. Finally in 2024, I helped code the drivetrain subsystem + autonomous pathing. I also wrote some code in lib199, a custom library made by the team that was used across years.
- Rewrote some sections on the robotics training site
- Webscraping Projects using Beautiful Soup 4, Requests, Selenium, and other Python Webscraping libraries.
- Recreation of Dream's Speedrunner vs Hunter plugin made using Java (spigot plugin)