Originally created by Christopher Gandrud, imfr is an R package for downloading data from the International Monetary Funds’s RESTful JSON API. Version 2, by Christopher C. Smith, is an extensive revision of the package to make it both more powerful and more user-friendly. Version 2 is backward-compatible with Version 1, but most of the functions from Version 1 are deprecated and will raise warnings if you try to use them.
The previous version of imfr
allowed for specifying only three
parameters—the same three for every database. This approach was
sufficient to query some databases, but not others. As a result, the
functionality of the package was limited, and many API requests failed.
The previous version also served users a third-party list of ISO2 country codes for use in requests rather than a database’s own internal list of valid input codes. This, too, resulted in the failure of many an API request.
In addition to correcting these major problems, Version 2 also extends the functionality of the package to allow for both broader requests and more specific requests than were possible in Version 1. Users may now use a much larger set of filter parameters in making requests. Additionally, Version 2 tries to address the problem of user-friendliness by introducing more package documentation with suggested workflows.
To install the development version of imfr
, use:
We recommend using imfr
in combination with the tidyverse
, and knitr
libraries, which introduce a powerful set of
functions for viewing and manipulating the data types returned by imfr
functions. Each of these packages can be installed from the CRAN
repository using the install.packages
function. Once they are
installed, load these packages using the library
# Load libraries
The imfr
package introduces four core functions: imf_databases
, imf_parameter_defs
, and imf_dataset
. The function
for downloading datasets is imf_dataset
, but you will need the other
functions to determine what arguments to supply to imf_dataset
. For
instance, all calls to imf_dataset
require a database_id
. This is
because the IMF serves many different databases through its API, and the
API needs to know which of these many databases you’re requesting data
from. To obtain a list of databases, use imf_databases
, like so:
#Fetch the list of databases available through the IMF API
databases <- imf_databases()
This function returns the IMF’s listing of 259 databases available through the API. (In reality, 7 of the listed databases are defunct and not actually available: FAS_2015, GFS01, FM202010, APDREO202010, AFRREO202010, WHDREO202010, BOPAGG_2020.)
To view and explore the database list, it’s possible to open a viewing
pane with View(databases)
or to create an attractive table with
. Or, if you already know which database you
want, you can fetch the corresponding code by searching the description
column for the database name with stringr::str_detect
. For instance,
here’s how to search for the Primary Commodity Price System:
# Filter the databases' data frame for descriptions matching 'commodity price'
commodity_db <- databases[str_detect(tolower(databases$description),
"commodity price"),]
# Display the result using knitr::kable
database_id | description | |
240 | PCPS | Primary Commodity Price System (PCPS) |
Once you have a database_id, it’s possible to make a call to
to fetch the entire database:
. However, while this will
succeed for some small databases, it will fail for many of the larger
ones. And even when it succeeds, fetching an entire database can take a
long time. You’re much better off supplying additional filter parameters
to reduce the size of your request.
Requests to databases available through the IMF API are complicated by
the fact that each database uses a different set of parameters when
making a request. (At last count, there were 43 unique parameters used
in making API requests from the various databases!) You also have to
have the list of valid input codes for each parameter. The
function solves this problem. Use the function to
obtain the full list of parameters and valid input codes for a given
# Fetch list of valid parameters and input codes for commodity price database
params <- imf_parameters(commodity_db$database_id)
The imf_parameters
function returns a named list of data frames. Each
named list item corresponds to a parameter used in making requests from
the database.
# Check class of `params` object
## [1] "list"
# Check names of `params` list items
## [1] "freq" "ref_area" "commodity" "unit_measure"
In the event that a parameter name is not self-explanatory, the
function can be used to fetch short text
descriptions of each parameter:
# Fetch and display parameter text descriptions for the commodity price database
param_descriptions <- imf_parameter_defs(commodity_db$database_id)
parameter | description |
freq | Frequency |
ref_area | Geographical Areas |
commodity | Indicator |
unit_measure | Unit |
Each named list item is a data frame containing a vector of valid input
codes that can be used with the named parameter, and a vector of text
descriptions of what each code represents. The $
operator can be used
to access the data frame for a given parameter, and the data frame can
be explored using kable
or View
# Display the data frame of valid input codes for the frequency parameter
input_code | description |
A | Annual |
M | Monthly |
Q | Quarterly |
There are two ways to supply parameters to imf_dataset
: by supplying
vector arguments or by supplying a modified parameters list. The vector
arguments workflow will likely be more intuitive for most users, but the
list argument workflow is more robust against changes to the API
endpoint. If you ever get an “unused argument” error when trying to use
the vector arguments workflow, try using the list argument workflow
To supply vector arguments, just find the codes you want and supply them
to imf_dataset
using the parameter name as the argument name. The
example below shows how to request 2000–2015 annual coal prices from the
Primary Commodity Price System database:
# Fetch the 'freq' input code for annual frequency
selected_freq <- params$freq$input_code[str_detect(tolower(params$freq$description),"annual")]
# Fetch the 'commodity' input code for coal
selected_commodity <- params$commodity$input_code[str_detect(tolower(params$commodity$description),"coal index")]
# Fetch the 'unit_measure' input code for index
selected_unit_measure <- params$unit_measure$input_code[str_detect(tolower(params$unit_measure$description),"index")]
# Request data from the API
df <- imf_dataset(database_id = commodity_db$database_id,
freq = selected_freq, commodity = selected_commodity,
unit_measure = selected_unit_measure,
start_year = 2000, end_year = 2015)
# Display the first few entries in the retrieved data frame using knitr::kable
date | value | freq | ref_area | commodity | unit_measure | unit_mult | time_format |
2000 | 39.3510230293202 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2001 | 49.3378587284039 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2002 | 39.4949091648006 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2003 | 43.2878876950788 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2004 | 82.9185858052862 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2005 | 71.9223526096731 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
To supply a list object, modify each data frame in the params
object to retain only the rows you want, and then supply the modified
list object to imf_dataset
as its parameters
argument. Here is how
to make the same request for annual coal price data using a parameters
# Filter the frequency data frame for annual frequency
params$freq <- params$freq %>%
# Filter the commodity data frame for the coal index
params$commodity <- params$commodity %>%
filter(str_detect(tolower(.$description),"coal index"))
# Filter the unit_measure data frame for index
params$unit_measure <- params$unit_measure %>%
# Request data from the API
df <- imf_dataset(database_id = commodity_db$database_id,
parameters = params,
start_year = 2000, end_year = 2015)
# Display the first few entries in the retrieved data frame using knitr::kable
date | value | freq | ref_area | commodity | unit_measure | unit_mult | time_format |
2000 | 39.3510230293202 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2001 | 49.3378587284039 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2002 | 39.4949091648006 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2003 | 43.2878876950788 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2004 | 82.9185858052862 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2005 | 71.9223526096731 | A | W00 | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
Note that all columns in the returned data frame are character vectors, and that to plot the series we will need to convert to valid numeric or date formats:
#Coerce date and value columns to plottable formats and create a simple plot
df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(paste0(date,"-01-01")),
value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=date,y=value,color=commodity)) +
Also note that the returned data frame has mysterious-looking codes as values in some columns.
Codes in the time_format
column are ISO 8601 duration
codes. In this
case, “P1Y” means “periods of 1 year.” The unit_mult
column represents
the number of zeroes you should add to the value
column. For instance,
if value
is in millions, then the unit multiplier will be 6. If in
billions, then the unit multiplier will be 9.
The meanings of the other codes are stored in our params
object and
can be fetched with a join. For instance to fetch the meaning of the
ref_area code “W00”, we can perform a left join with the
data frame and use select
to replace ref_area with
the parameter description:
# Join df with params$ref_area to fetch code description
df <- left_join(df,params$ref_area,by=c("ref_area"="input_code")) %>%
select(date, value, freq, ref_area = description, commodity, unit_measure, unit_mult, time_format)
# Display the first few entries in the retrieved data frame using knitr::kable
date | value | freq | ref_area | commodity | unit_measure | unit_mult | time_format |
2000 | 39.3510230293202 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2001 | 49.3378587284039 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2002 | 39.4949091648006 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2003 | 43.2878876950788 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2004 | 82.9185858052862 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
2005 | 71.9223526096731 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | IX | 0 | P1Y |
Alternatively, we can simply replace the code in our data series with
the corresponding description in params
. Here, we replace each
code with the corresponding description in
# Replace each unique unit_measure code in df with corresponding description
# in params$unit_measure
for(code in unique(df$unit_measure)){
df$unit_measure[df$unit_measure == code] <- params$unit_measure$description[params$unit_measure$input_code == code]
# Display the first few entries in the retrieved data frame using knitr::kable
date | value | freq | ref_area | commodity | unit_measure | unit_mult | time_format |
2000 | 39.3510230293202 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | Index | 0 | P1Y |
2001 | 49.3378587284039 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | Index | 0 | P1Y |
2002 | 39.4949091648006 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | Index | 0 | P1Y |
2003 | 43.2878876950788 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | Index | 0 | P1Y |
2004 | 82.9185858052862 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | Index | 0 | P1Y |
2005 | 71.9223526096731 | A | All Countries, excluding the IO | PCOAL | Index | 0 | P1Y |
The IMF API has an application-level rate limit of 50 requests per second per application, a user-level rate limit of 10 requests per second per IP address, and an unspecified bandwidth limit seemingly imposed on the sum total of API traffic at any given time. The bandwidth limit, in particular, makes it exceedingly difficult to throttle API requests, especially if performing repeated function calls at a high-traffic time or across multiple docker containers.
Note that the core data functions in imfr
have a times
argument that
specifies how many times the function should retry an API request that
the API rejected due to a rate or bandwidth limit. By default, requests
will be tried three times. An exponentially increasing timeout penalty
is imposed between retries, with a base timeout period of 5 seconds that
doubles on every subsequent attempt.
This mandatory timeout can increase run times considerably if you frequently run up against rate or bandwidth limits, so you may find that your process runs much faster and more reliably when appropriate throttling and caching are used.
By default, imfr
imposes a default 1.5-second wait time between API
requests. To reduce run-time and bandwidth use, imfr
also employs a
two-week cache of all data returned by calls to imf_databases
, and imf_parameter_defs
. (Data returned from these
function calls is mostly stable and changes only infrequently.) The
default imfr
application name supplied to the API (as user agent in
the request header) takes the form “imfr/{version_number}”. These
settings are optimized to avoid hitting rate and bandwidth limits during
iterated function calls.
These settings can be controlled with global R options:
imf_use_cache = TRUE,
imf_wait_time = 1.5,
imf_app_name = paste0("imfr/",utils::packageVersion("imfr"))
Note that imfr
supplies helper functions for setting these global
options: set_imf_use_cache
, set_imf_wait_time
, and
It’s recommended that you use these functions for setting options rather than setting them manually, as the functions will validate the values you supply. (If you manually set the options to invalid values, they will be silently ignored and the defaults used.)
Planned features for future versions:
- Make greater use of response mocking in unit tests to reduce API calls
- Adjust the way column names are handled by
for cross-platform consistency with the Python sister library,imfp
- Add support for including annotations with metadata:
- Add a workaround to support “All” codes that are listed as valid input codes in the IMF parameters lists but don’t actually work when used in API requests
- Determine maximum length of a request URL, and split into multiple requests if the URL is too long
- Submit to CRAN