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starknetdev committed Jun 22, 2024
2 parents 25adccb + 3a7cdfc commit 8872273
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Showing 7 changed files with 632 additions and 340 deletions.
324 changes: 288 additions & 36 deletions contracts/adventurer/src/adventurer.cairo
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use core::{
use super::{
stats::{Stats, StatsPacking}, item::{Item, ImplItem, ItemPacking},
equipment::{Equipment, EquipmentPacking}, adventurer_utils::{AdventurerUtils},
exploration::ExploreUtils, bag::{Bag, IBag, ImplBag},
bag::{Bag, IBag, ImplBag},
Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ use super::{
use loot::{
loot::{Loot, ILoot, ImplLoot},
constants::{ItemSuffix, ItemId, NamePrefixLength, NameSuffixLength, SUFFIX_UNLOCK_GREATNESS}
constants::{ItemSuffix, ItemId, NamePrefixLength, NameSuffixLength, SUFFIX_UNLOCK_GREATNESS},
use combat::{
combat::{ImplCombat, CombatSpec, SpecialPowers, CombatResult},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,6 +231,21 @@ impl ImplAdventurer of IAdventurer {

fn is_slot_free_item_id(self: Equipment, item_id: u8) -> bool {
let slot = ImplLoot::get_slot(item_id);
match slot {
Slot::None(()) => false,
Slot::Weapon(()) => == 0,
Slot::Chest(()) => == 0,
Slot::Head(()) => == 0,
Slot::Waist(()) => == 0,
Slot::Foot(()) => == 0,
Slot::Hand(()) => == 0,
Slot::Neck(()) => == 0,
Slot::Ring(()) => == 0,

// Returns the current level of the adventurer based on their XP.
// @param self: Adventurer to get level for
// @return The current level of the adventurer.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,19 +312,57 @@ impl ImplAdventurer of IAdventurer {
// @param entropy: Entropy for generating treasure
// @return DiscoveryType: The type of treasure discovered.
// @return u16: The amount of treasure discovered.
fn discover_treasure(self: Adventurer, entropy: u128) -> (DiscoveryType, u16) {
// generate random item discovery
let item_type = ExploreUtils::get_random_discovery(entropy);

match item_type {
DiscoveryType::Gold(()) => {
// return discovery type and amount
(DiscoveryType::Gold(()), ExploreUtils::get_gold_discovery(self, entropy))
DiscoveryType::Health(()) => {
// return discovery type and amount
(DiscoveryType::Health(()), ExploreUtils::get_health_discovery(self, entropy))
fn get_discovery(adventurer_level: u8, entropy: u128) -> DiscoveryType {
let (discovery_entropy, discovery_type) = DivRem::div_rem(entropy, 100);
if discovery_type < 45 {
ImplAdventurer::get_gold_discovery(adventurer_level, discovery_entropy)
} else if discovery_type < 90 {
ImplAdventurer::get_health_discovery(adventurer_level, discovery_entropy)
} else {

fn get_gold_discovery(adventurer_level: u8, entropy: u128) -> u16 {
(entropy % adventurer_level.into()).try_into().unwrap() + 1

fn get_health_discovery(adventurer_level: u8, entropy: u128) -> u16 {
((entropy % adventurer_level.into()).try_into().unwrap() + 1) * 2

fn get_loot_discovery(entropy: u128) -> u8 {
let roll = entropy % 100;

// 50% chance of T5
if roll < 50 {
let t5_items = ItemUtils::get_t5_items();
let item_index = (entropy % t5_items.len().into()).try_into().unwrap();
// 30% chance of T4
} else if roll < 80 {
let t4_items = ItemUtils::get_t4_items();
let item_index = (entropy % t4_items.len().into()).try_into().unwrap();
// 12% chance of T3
} else if roll < 92 {
let t3_items = ItemUtils::get_t3_items();
let item_index = (entropy % t3_items.len().into()).try_into().unwrap();
// 6% chance of T2
} else if roll < 98 {
let t2_items = ItemUtils::get_t2_items();
let item_index = (entropy % t2_items.len().into()).try_into().unwrap();
// 2% chance of T1
} else {
let t1_items = ItemUtils::get_t1_items();
let item_index = (entropy % t1_items.len().into()).try_into().unwrap();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -905,7 +959,7 @@ mod tests {
use option::OptionTrait;
use poseidon::poseidon_hash_span;
use array::ArrayTrait;
use loot::{loot::{Loot, ILoot, ImplLoot}, constants::{ItemSuffix, ItemId}};
use loot::{loot::{Loot, ILoot, ImplLoot}, constants::{ItemSuffix, ItemId}, utils::{ItemUtils}};
use combat::{constants::CombatEnums::{Slot, Type}};
use beasts::{beast::{ImplBeast, Beast}, constants::BeastSettings};
use adventurer::{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2606,7 +2660,7 @@ mod tests {

fn test_get_and_apply_stats() {
let mut adventurer = Adventurer {
health: 100,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2637,12 +2691,12 @@ mod tests {

let stat_boosts =;
assert(stat_boosts.strength == 3, 'strength should be 3');
assert(stat_boosts.vitality == 5, 'vitality should be 5');
assert(stat_boosts.dexterity == 1, 'dexterity should be 1');
assert(stat_boosts.intelligence == 0, 'intelligence should be 0');
assert(stat_boosts.wisdom == 3, 'wisdom should be 3');
assert(stat_boosts.charisma == 3, 'charisma should be 3');
assert(stat_boosts.strength == 6, 'wrong strength');
assert(stat_boosts.vitality == 1, 'wrong vitality');
assert(stat_boosts.dexterity == 2, 'wrong dexterity');
assert(stat_boosts.intelligence == 1, 'wrong intelligence');
assert(stat_boosts.wisdom == 4, 'wrong wisdom');
assert(stat_boosts.charisma == 1, 'wrong charisma');

// test base case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2850,22 +2904,16 @@ mod tests {

fn test_discover_treasure() {
let mut adventurer = ImplAdventurer::new(ItemId::Wand);
fn test_get_discovery() {
let adventurer_level = 1;

// give vitality so we can discover health
adventurer.stats.vitality = 1;
adventurer.xp = 25;

// disover gold
let (discovery_type, amount) = adventurer.discover_treasure(0);
assert(discovery_type == DiscoveryType::Gold(()), 'should have found gold');
assert(amount != 0, 'gold should be non-zero');
// discover gold
let discovery_type = ImplAdventurer::get_discovery(adventurer_level, 1);
assert(discovery_type == DiscoveryType::Gold((1)), 'should have found gold');

// discover health
let (discovery_type, amount) = adventurer.discover_treasure(1);
assert(discovery_type == DiscoveryType::Health(()), 'should have found health');
assert(amount != 0, 'health should be non-zero');
let discovery_type = ImplAdventurer::get_discovery(adventurer_level, 46);
assert(discovery_type == DiscoveryType::Health((2)), 'should have found health');

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2970,4 +3018,208 @@ mod tests {
assert(adventurer.is_ambushed(5), 'should be ambushed 5');
assert(!adventurer.is_ambushed(6), 'should not be ambushed 6');

fn test_get_gold_discovery_gas() {
ImplAdventurer::get_gold_discovery(1, 0);

fn test_get_gold_discovery() {
let adventurer_level = 1;
let entropy = 0;
let gold_discovery = ImplAdventurer::get_gold_discovery(adventurer_level, entropy);
assert(gold_discovery == 1, 'gold_discovery should be 1');

fn test_get_health_discovery_gas() {
let adventurer_level = 1;
let entropy = 12345;
ImplAdventurer::get_health_discovery(adventurer_level, entropy);

fn test_get_health_discovery() {
let adventurer_level = 1;
let entropy = 0;
let discovery_amount = ImplAdventurer::get_health_discovery(adventurer_level, entropy);
assert(discovery_amount == 2, 'health discovery should be 2');

fn test_get_discovery_gas() {
let adventurer_level = 1;
let entropy = 12345;
ImplAdventurer::get_discovery(adventurer_level, entropy);

fn test_get_loot_discovery_gas() {
let entropy = 0;

fn is_item_in_set(item_id: u8, ref item_set: Span<u8>) -> bool {
loop {
match item_set.pop_front() {
Option::Some(item) => { if item_id == (*item).into() {
break true;
} },
Option::None(_) => { break false; }

fn test_is_item_in_set_found() {
let mut item_set = array![ItemId::Cap, ItemId::Club, ItemId::Sash];
let item_id: u8 = ItemId::Club.into();
let mut item_set_span = item_set.span();
assert(is_item_in_set(item_id, ref item_set_span), 'Item should be in set');

fn test_is_item_in_set_not_found() {
let mut item_set = array![ItemId::Cap, ItemId::Club, ItemId::Sash];
let item_id: u8 = ItemId::Helm.into();
let mut item_set_span = item_set.span();
assert(!is_item_in_set(item_id, ref item_set_span), 'Item should not be in set');

fn test_is_item_in_set_empty_set() {
let mut item_set = array![];
let item_id: u8 = ItemId::Cap.into();
let mut item_set_span = item_set.span();
assert(!is_item_in_set(item_id, ref item_set_span), 'Item should not be in empty set');

fn test_is_item_in_set_single_item_found() {
let mut item_set = array![ItemId::Cap];
let item_id: u8 = ItemId::Cap.into();
let mut item_set_span = item_set.span();
assert(is_item_in_set(item_id, ref item_set_span), 'Single item should be in set');

fn test_is_item_in_set_single_item_not_found() {
let mut item_set = array![ItemId::Cap];
let item_id: u8 = ItemId::Club.into();
let mut item_set_span = item_set.span();
assert(!is_item_in_set(item_id, ref item_set_span), 'Single item should not be set');

fn test_loot_discovery_distribution() {
let mut t5_count: u32 = 0;
let mut t4_count: u32 = 0;
let mut t3_count: u32 = 0;
let mut t2_count: u32 = 0;
let mut t1_count: u32 = 0;

let mut entropy = 0;
loop {
if entropy == 10000 {

let mut t5_items = ItemUtils::get_t5_items();
let mut t4_items = ItemUtils::get_t4_items();
let mut t3_items = ItemUtils::get_t3_items();
let mut t2_items = ItemUtils::get_t2_items();
let mut t1_items = ItemUtils::get_t1_items();
let mut jewlery_items = ItemUtils::get_jewelry_items();

let item_id = ImplAdventurer::get_loot_discovery(entropy);

assert(!is_item_in_set(item_id, ref jewlery_items), 'No finding jewlery');

if is_item_in_set(item_id, ref t5_items) {
t5_count += 1;
} else if is_item_in_set(item_id, ref t4_items) {
t4_count += 1;
} else if is_item_in_set(item_id, ref t3_items) {
t3_count += 1;
} else if is_item_in_set(item_id, ref t2_items) {
t2_count += 1;
} else if is_item_in_set(item_id, ref t1_items) {
t1_count += 1;

entropy += 1;

// assert T5 is greater than T4 is greater than T3 is greater than T2 is greater than T1
assert(t5_count > t4_count, 'T5 should be more than T4');
assert(t4_count > t3_count, 'T4 should be more than T3');
assert(t3_count > t2_count, 'T3 should be more than T2');
assert(t2_count > t1_count, 'T2 should be more than T1');

// generate percentages
let total_count = t5_count + t4_count + t3_count + t2_count + t1_count;
let t5_percentage = (t5_count * 100) / total_count;
let t4_percentage = (t4_count * 100) / total_count;
let t3_percentage = (t3_count * 100) / total_count;
let t2_percentage = (t2_count * 100) / total_count;
let t1_percentage = (t1_count * 100) / total_count;

// verify against hard coded percentages
assert(t5_percentage == 50, 'wrong t5 percentage');
assert(t4_percentage == 30, 'wrong t4 percentage');
assert(t3_percentage == 12, 'wrong t3 percentage');
assert(t2_percentage == 6, 'wrong t2 percentage');
assert(t1_percentage == 2, 'wrong t1 percentage');

fn test_get_random_discovery_distribution() {
let mut gold_count: u32 = 0;
let mut health_count: u32 = 0;
let mut loot_count: u32 = 0;

let mut adventurer_level = 1;
let mut entropy = 0;

loop {
if adventurer_level == 50 {

loop {
if entropy == 10000 {

let discovery_type = ImplAdventurer::get_discovery(adventurer_level, entropy);

match discovery_type {
DiscoveryType::Gold(_) => { gold_count += 1; },
DiscoveryType::Health(_) => { health_count += 1; },
DiscoveryType::Loot(_) => { loot_count += 1; }

entropy += 1;
adventurer_level += 1;

// Calculate total count
let total_count = gold_count + health_count + loot_count;

// Calculate percentages
let gold_percentage = (gold_count * 100) / total_count;
let health_percentage = (health_count * 100) / total_count;
let loot_percentage = (loot_count * 100) / total_count;

// Verify percentages
assert(gold_percentage == 45, 'wrong gold percentage');
assert(health_percentage == 45, 'wrong health percentage');
assert(loot_percentage == 10, 'wrong loot percentage');

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