In this Repository you wil find my school project for BP4 System. it consist out of 6 assignments involving Arduino.
Assignment 1 is called 'Opdracht 1 BP4 System': In the assignment i made 2 Led lights flash alternately from one another.
Assignment 2 is called 'Opdracht 2 BP4 System': In the assignment i made 7 Leds flash from left to right and back.
Assignment 3 is called 'Opdracht 3 BP4 System': In the assignment i made an Led light up when a button on a breadboard is pressed.
Assignment 4 is called 'Opdracht 4 BP4 System': In the assignment i made 7 Leds light up from left to right using a Potmeter.
Assignment 5 is called 'Opdracht 5 BP4 System': In the assignment i made an Servo motor spin from 0 to 120 degrees using 2 buttons. Button 1 made the servo spin in 1 sec and button 2 made the servo spin in 0.5 sec. And if you press both buttons at the same time the servo rotates to 120 degrees in 1 sec, it then stays there for 2 sec and then rotates back.
Assignment 6 is called 'Opdracht 6 BP4 System': In the assignment i made a Servo motor spin from 0 to 120 degrees with a joystick. When you push the joystick right the servo spins to 120 degrees and if you push the joystick to the left it spins back to 0 degrees if you press in the middle of the joystick it spins from 0 to 120 degrees and from 120 back to 0.