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Search Mappings

Espen Olsen edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 6 revisions

Manual configuration after installation

Some search settings needs to be manually set up at Search Service Application or Tenant level.

SharePoint Online

Upload SearchConfiguration_tenant.xml in SharePoint Admin. The file is located in the .zip file you downloaded from Prosjektportalen Releases.


SharePoint 2013

  1. Before this can be configured, a project needs to be created and all metadata properties needs to be filled out and crawled. In addition, one gevinstrealisering item, one måleindikator item and one gevinstoppfølging item needs to be filled out and crawled. After you've done this, start a new full crawl.
  2. Run the script SetupSearchSchemaOnPrem.ps1. Use the parameter $SSAName if the name of the Search Service Application is not called "Search Service Application".
  3. Run a new full crawl to pick up the new metadata mappings.

SharePoint 2016/2019

  1. Before this can be configured, a project needs to be created and all metadata properties needs to be filled out and crawled. In addition, one gevinstrealisering item, one måleindikator item and one gevinstoppfølging item needs to be filled out in a project. After you've done this, start a new full crawl.
  2. Configure the mappings in the table below manually on the search service application. All the managed properties in the table below should already be present, and should be updated, not created. (Ideally run the script SetupSearchSchemaOnPrem.ps1. Use the parameter $SSAName if the name of the Search Service Application is not called "Search Service Application". Note that an issue in SP2016 causes this script to not work, leading to a lot of yellow warnings.)
  3. Run a new full crawl to pick up the new metadata mappings.

Project portal search mappings overview

The following table should be configured in the SharePoint environment where the Project Portal has been installed.

Managed property Crawled property Alias Introduced
RefinableString50 ows_GtProjectOwner GtProjectOwner v2.0.0
RefinableString51 ows_GtProjectManager GtProjectManager v2.0.0
RefinableString52 ows_GtProjectPhase GtProjectPhase v2.0.0
RefinableString53 ows_GtProjectServiceArea GtProjectServiceArea v2.0.0
RefinableString54 ows_GtProjectType GtProjectType v2.0.0
RefinableString55 ows_GtStatusBudget GtStatusBudget v2.0.0
RefinableString56 ows_GtStatusRisk GtStatusRisk v2.0.0
RefinableString57 ows_GtStatusTime GtStatusTime v2.0.0
RefinableString58 ows_GtGainLookup_ID GtGainLookupId v2.0.0
RefinableString59 ows_GtMeasureIndicatorLookup_ID GtMeasureIndicatorLookupId v2.5.0
RefinableString70 ows_GtGainsResponsible GtGainsResponsible v2.3.0
RefinableString71 ows_GtResourceUser GtResourceUser v2.3.0
RefinableString72 ows_GtResourceRole GtResourceRole v2.3.0
RefinableDate05 ows_GtStartDate GtStartDate v2.3.0
RefinableDate06 ows_GtEndDate GtEndDate v2.3.0