Releases: Pwn9/PwnChickenLay
Releases · Pwn9/PwnChickenLay
PwnChickenLay v2.4
PwnChickenLay v2.3
- Update for Minecraft Servers version 1.17.1
- Updated to newer bStatus plugin metrics class
PwnChickenLay v2.2
This build just formalizes some of the items that were in 2.1, like custom chickens with nametags having their own set of items and the ability to have chickens drop entities instead of just materials. Using the latest spigot API build for 1.16.5
PwnChickenLay v2.1
Refactored the listener to use a new api method that is more accurate for determining if the egg dropper is a chicken, which allows us to determine if the chicken has a nametag.
- Added "custom" section to the config.yml for named chickens, that allow them to override biome conditions.
- preface a replacement item with "e_" and an entity type, to make the chicken spawn an entity and not a material!
PwnChickenLay v2.0
- fix bug with item frames
- improvements to logging
- compatible with Minecraft 1.15.1
PwnChickenLay v1.9
- Updated to fix a bug in 1.13.x due to missing API version in the plugin.yml
PwnChickenLay v1.8
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with Minecraft/Spigot version 1.13.2.
- Updated to allow &color codes in the config to translate to in-game chatcolor codes for item names and lore.