Release v6
What's new in this release?
- Install not only from PyPI but also from remote code repositories (GitHub, Bitbucket, Launchpad, etc) and local directories
fades -d git+[email protected]
fades -d file://$PATH_TO_PROJECT
- Created a video to showcase the most relevant fades features
Select the best virtualenv from the stored ones in the case of multiple matching
Added a --clean-unused-venvs option to remove all virtualenvs not used in the last indicated days
fades --clean-unused-venvs=30
- Added a --pip-options to pass any needed parameters to the underlying pip call
fades -d requests --pip-options="--no-cache-dir"
Properly return a code != 0 if fades process failed in any way
Now the virtualenv /bin path is added to the child PATH before execution
Remove the just created virtualenv if its setup failed somehow (not leaving unused/untracked directories)
Issue a WARNING if fades is executed from a virtualenv (it shouldn't)
Better behaviour when CTRL-C is sent to an interactive interpreter running under fades
Support missing virtualenv directories: if a virtualenv was found in the cache check if it is valid, otherwise re-create it
Added infrastructure for fades to be packaged and run as a Snap
snap install fades
Better multiplatformy locking to exclude two simultaneous fades runs messing with internal files
Instructions to install using 'brew'
Alert the user that the one doing background stuff is fades
Better README and documentation in general
Improved version description to be more standards compliant
Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Nicolás and I want to say a big thank you to the following collaborators that helped to improve and enhance fades in different ways for this version (in alphabetical order):
- Ariel Rossanigo
- David Litvak Bruno
- FaQ
- Filipe Ximenes
- Gera
- Juan Carizza
- Lucio Torre
- Manuel Kaufmann
- Martin Alderete