Quantum Espresso v6.3
New in 6.3 version:
New implementation, using a more robust algorithm for the Wigner-Size construction in EPW.
(Samuel Ponce and Carla Verdi) -
New application for optical spectra computation using optimized basis sets
(Paolo Umari, Nicola Marzari and Giovanni Prandini). -
Improved interface between TDDFPT and Environ using plugins( Oliviero Andreussi)
Improved FFT threading (Ye Luo, Argonne)
EXX: ACE can be projected on arbitrary number of orbitals
Slight change in SCF convergence with ACE (dexx) properly
accounting for difference between 2*<new|V(old)|new>
and <new|V(old)|new> + <old|V(new)|old> (see "fock3" term)
SCDM and localized exchange is now compatible with ecutfock
Localized exchange can deal with virtual orbitals (empty bands)
(Ivan Carnimeo) -
Spin-polarized X3LYP (experimental)
EPW: Electronic transport (Boltzmann transport equation)
Iterative Boltzmann transport equation (experimental)
Improved way to compute Wigner-Seitz vectors
Cumulant treatement (model)
Possible screening
Support for exclude bands
Calculation of velocity beyond the local approximation (experimental)
Problems fixed in 6.3 version:
Stress with hybrid functionals and Gamma point was grossly wrong
(5ed1486) -
EPW: Velocity in the dipole approximation was unstable because of
G-vector ordering. -
Real-space augmentation functions were crashing with -nt N option
Calculation of ELF wasn't always working due to a bad usage of FFT
descriptors - noticed by Enrique Zanardi Maffiotte (commit a86fb75) -
Workaround for gfortran bug in FoX (commit 5b36b69) and for pgi+openmp
bug (f43e72c) -
Reading of starting wavefunctions from file, including restart case,
wasn't always working as expected. This might be at the origin of
mysterious "davcio errors" (April 18, 2018) -
Parameters for electric fields were not saved to the new XML file, thus
breaking some forms of postprocessing (noticed by Thomas Brumme and
Giovanni Cantele, fixed April 18, 2018) -
Bug in reading (with FoX) the augmentation part of pseudopotentials in
upf v.2 format. The bug shows up only for PPs generated using David
Vanderbilt's code, yielding a mysterious message "Error in scalartorealdp
Too few elements found" (March 20, 2018) -
LDA+U for spin-orbit (kind=1) was crashing for one k-point, trying to read
data not previously saved (noticed by Christof Wolf, Feb 8, 2018) -
ibrav =-13 wasn't documented and did not recognize the correct parameter
cosBC (noticed by Jose' Conesa, Jan 26, 2018) -
Yet another problem with the final scf step in a vc-relax calculation: if
restarted from an interrupted calculation, the final step was trying to
read the charge density with a different number of G-vectors (Jan 23, 2018) -
CP with LDA+U: the choice of the LDA+U manifolds from atomic wavefunctions
was sometimes not working properly due to a missing check (Jan 22, 2018) -
pw2bgw.x fixed, courtesy G. Samsonidze (Jan.16, 2018)
Band parallelization was broken in one of the last commits
just before v.6.2.1 (Dec.23, 2017) -
TDDFPT in "lr_addus_dvpsi.f90" had a bug for systems with USPP
and more than 2 atoms (Dec.22, 2017) (Oleksandr Motornyi,
Michele Raynaud, Iurii Timrov, Nathalie Vast, Andrea Dal Corso) -
Phonons with images wasn't working in v.6.2.1 with old PP files
containing "&" in the header section (Dec.20, 2017) -
PWscf in "manypw" mode wasn't working due to a bad IF (Dec.12, 2017)
Incompatible changes in 6.3 version:
EPW: Removal of q-point paralelization (not very used and generated large code
duplication) ==> removal of the parallel_k and parallel_q input variables. -
various subroutines computing gradients and similar quantities using FFTs
have been harmonized and collected into Modules/gradutils.f90 -
subroutine "ggen" split into two subroutines: "ggen" takes care of
G-vectors for the FFT grid only, "ggens" for the subgrid only -
FFT interfaces fwfft, invfft now accept only 'Rho', 'Wave', 'tgWave'.
Together with FFT descriptor, these options cover all cases. -
Structure for 'custom' FFT (exx_fft) deleted from exact exchange code,
FFT descriptor dfftt and a few variables used instead
(a different exx_fft structure is still present in GWW) -
FFT indices nl, nlm, nls, nlsm, moved from their previous location
(gvect, gvecs) into FFT descriptors (dfft* structures) -
Development moved to GitLab