- 增加会话管理器中在新窗口打开会话功能
- 增加设置标签页加号按钮位模式可选为 新建会话/克隆会话/本地Shell会话 三种方式
- 增加会话管理器中过滤功能
- 修复在拖拽标签时预览窗口存在导致的窗口闪烁问题
- 预编译二进制文件提供AppImage格式 #I8EVJR
git commit
- release:v0.4.1
- Merge commit '5fd6995ea0493f4265080b7e94adba92530bef6a' into main
- src:update NewTabMode
- src:update doc
- doc:update image for english in readme
- src:Remove environment LC_CTYPE and LANG variables
- src:Remove LC_ALL environment variable in UnixPtyProcess::startProcess()
- doc:Add support for additional languages in README files
- src:Add session filter functionality
- src:Add TODO.md file and update linux.yml, macos.yml, and windows.yml
- Merge pull request #20 from QQxiaoming/imgbot
- [ImgBot] Optimize images
- Update MessagesFile paths in build_setup.iss
- Added support for additional languages in the setup wizard
- lang:update translate file
- ci:add build AppImage script
- src:Add session opening functionality in new window
- Add code_analyze.py for analyzing code lines, comments, and blanks
- srcc:Fix disconnect and reconnect functionality in SessionsWindow
- src:Add new tab mode option and handle tab add request accordingly
- src:update plugininfowindow.cpp to open the plugin directory
- doc:update doc
- doc:update doc
- src:Fix tab preview window flickering issue during tab dragging
- doc:fix README
- doc:update doc
完整的更新日志: V0.4.0...V0.4.1