Automated regression testing framework for
- managing WebImblaze configuration
- running many WebImblaze automated tests in parallel
- organising actual test run results for many teams and test case files
This framework is for those with large suites of automated tests. It helps to quickly answer the question "Did all of our regression tests pass?".
If the answer is no, you can very quickly drill into what went wrong. Since an organised history of previous run results are kept, you can compare a failed result easily against a previous successful run.
You can see WebImblaze example output here: WebImblaze-Example
After installing WebImblaze to $HOME/git/WebImblaze
, clone companion project
cd $HOME/git
git clone
Open a terminal then install gnome-terminal and Apache.
sudo apt update
sudo apt --yes install gnome-terminal
sudo apt --yes install apache2
sudo apt --yes install apache2-dev
Restart Apache and make sure there are no error messages.
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Fix permissions for Apache.
sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/html
sudo find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod g+rwx {} +
sudo find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod a+rwx {} +
sudo find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} +
Install Perl packages required by
cpan Config::Tiny
cpan File::Find::Rule
cpan File::Slurp
Create wif.config
cd $HOME/git/WebImblaze-Framework
perl --create-config
Optional - edit the config file, and change the web_server_address
parameter from localhost
to the DNS name of the server.
nano wif.config
If you don't do this, you won't be able to access the results from outside this server.
Confirm that you can view the help without error messages.
perl --help
Run the canary checks too.
perl canary/canary.test
Install WebImblaze. Refer to WebImblaze.
Clone the project.
cd /D C:/git
git clone
Install Perl packages required by
cpan Config::Tiny
Now install Apache for Windows.
First ensure that IIS isn't installed and running.
Press the Windows key and type Turn Windows
then select the menu item Turn Windows Features on or Off
Ensure Internet Information Services
(IIS) is turned off. (On Windows 10 it is turned off by default).
From Apache Lounge Apache Lounge download Win32 zip file - not 64 bit, then extract so C:\Apache24\bin folder is available.
Administrator Command Prompt
curl -o %temp%/
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x %temp%/ -o"C:\" -r -x!ReadMe.txt -x!"-- Win32 VC15 --"
Then open a command prompt as Administrator.
cd C:/Apache24/bin
httpd -k install
httpd -k start
If httpd
does not work, the Visual Studio redist might be needed
curl -o %temp%/VC_redist.x86.exe
May also need to set your server name in http.conf
to stop 10 second delays, refer to Why slow
Now create the wif.config
cd /D C:/git/WebImblaze-Framework
perl --create-config
You don't need to change the default settings for this example to work.
Find out the DNS name of this server.
Edit the config file, and change the web_server_address
parameter from localhost
to the DNS name of the server.
notepad wif.config
If you don't do this, you won't be able to access the results from outside this server.
That's it! You are now ready to run your first WebImblaze test using the WebImblaze Framework.
To run an automated test, needs to know the:
- test file to run
- high level environment
- target 'mini-environment' - team name (has own web server, but sharing a development database with other teams)
perl example_test --env DEV --target team1
If everything worked ok, created a configuration file for WebImblaze, called WebImblaze, ran the tests, then put all the results in your web server location.
You can view the results by going to Batch Summary
Since will remember the last test file you ran, and environment details, you can run it again as follows:
If you want to run another example, since the environment details have not changed, you can just specify the test case file:
perl ../WebImblaze/examples/advanced/hello
The WebImblaze framework will search for the test case file that is the best match and run it.
perl examples/hello
Will also work, and even
perl hello
Finally, run another example, but store the result under a batch name:
perl examples/post.xml --batch my_team_results
You can view and drill into the results from this url:
Click on a batch to see individual test results for the batch.
Click on the Run number (first column) to see the individual step results for a test case file.
From the test case file results, click on the ID number (first column), to see that step actual result.
The point of the WebImblaze-Framework is to run a lot of tests quickly and check that there are no failures.
To see this in action, go and first install the Selenium plugin for WebImblaze WebImblaze-Selenium
Now run the all of the WebImblaze examples
perl tasks/
You'll see a lot of command prompts open, run some tests then close, all at the same time.
Note that when you view the results at Result Summary you'll see a lot of errors. Many of the examples show how various assertions work, and how tests can be automatically retried on failure.
In practice, the tests should be run by a service account. You can use Windows Task Scheduler to run the tests overnight.
You can run all the WebImblaze self tests quickly as follows:
perl tasks/
Note that the tasks\ scripts can take parameters too
perl tasks/ --env DEV --target team2 --batch My_Examples
While the tests are running, you can see intermediate results. Just go the results Summary page, click on the batch, and see the pending results. You can press F5 as results complete to see the latest completions.
On a pending result, you can click on the Started date/time for a test file and see where it is up to. Again just press F5 to get the latest update.
Search extensions for WebImblaze
then install WebImblaze Syntax Highlighting
Syntax Highlights of WebImblaze .test
files works will with Material-Dark theme and Monaco font.
Download Material-Dark
curl -o C:\git\WebImblaze-Framework\tools\Material-Dark.xml
Copy Material-Dark to %APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes
copy C:\git\WebImblaze-Framework\tools\Material-Dark.xml "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes"
Or on Linux, assuming Notepad++ is installed in a wine bottle of /home/$USER/wine/wine64
curl -o /home/$USER/wine/wine64/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Roaming/Notepad++/themes/Material-Dark.xml
Download Monaco font
curl -o C:\git\WebImblaze-Framework\tools\monaco.ttf
Right click on tools/monaco.ttf
in Windows Explorer and click Install
From Language
menu, select Define your language...
Click Import...
Copy paste this to the filename C:\git\WebImblaze-Framework\tools\webimblaze_notepad++.xml
Restart Notepad++
From Settings
menu, select Style Configurator...
Select theme: Material-Dark
Click Enable global background colour
Save and close
curl -o C:\git\WebImblaze-Framework\tools\Zenburn-Markdown.xml
Then import the language.
The manual contains full details on how to setup WebImblaze Framework.