WebImblaze, the project found at https://github.com/Qarj/WebImblaze, can also drive Selenium using the Chrome browser.
You have the choice of using the Selenium Server (which I find to be more robust), or you can drive ChromeDriver directly (Java not required!).
After installing WebImblaze to $HOME/git/WebImblaze
, clone this plugin project
cd $HOME/git
git clone https://github.com/Qarj/WebImblaze-Selenium.git
Copy WebImblaze-Selenium.pm
into WebImblaze\plugins
by running update.pl
perl $HOME/git/WebImblaze-Selenium/plugins/update.pl
Now obtain latest version of ChromeDriver and place in $HOME/selenium
mkdir $HOME/selenium
cd $HOME/selenium
wget http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE -O LATEST_RELEASE
latest=$(cat LATEST_RELEASE)
wget -N https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/$latest/chromedriver_linux64.zip -O chromedriver_linux64.zip
sudo apt install unzip
unzip -o chromedriver_linux64.zip -d .
./chromedriver --version
Obtain latest Selenium Standalone 3 Server and put it in $HOME/selenium
cd $HOME/selenium
wget -N https://bit.ly/2TlkRyu -O selenium-server-3-standalone.jar
Ensure you have gnome-terminal
and a Java runtime
sudo apt update
sudo apt --yes install gnome-terminal
sudo apt --yes install default-jre
Install the latest version of Selenium::Remote::Driver
cpan Selenium::Remote::Driver
Check Java and Selenium Standalone versions
java -version
java -jar $HOME/selenium/selenium-server-3-standalone.jar --version
Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358
Now you should install Google Chrome if you haven't already.
cd $HOME/Downloads
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Important - Run Chrome at least once and choose whether you want it to be the default browser or not. You can then close it or leave it open. If you don't do this, then it will hang when you try to run a test with ChromeDriver.
You can check that it works by running an example:
cd $HOME/git/WebImblaze
perl wi.pl examples/misc/selenium.test
or using Selenium Server
perl wi.pl examples/misc/selenium.test --driver chrome
Keep in mind that the major version number of ChromeDriver must match the version of Chrome you have installed.
In the tests
folder, create a file called test_jobs.test
cd $HOME/git/WebImblaze
code tests/test_jobs.test
Copy and paste the following into the file and save it.
step: Get CWJobs home and accept all cookies
selenium1: $driver->get("https://www.cwjobs.co.uk/")
selenium2: _click('Accept All')
step: Fill out search form
selenium1: $driver->get("https://www.cwjobs.co.uk/")
selenium2: _keys_to_element_after('What','test')
selenium3: _keys_to_element('Town, city or postcode','London')
selenium4: _keys_to_element_after('Where','20 miles','SELECT')
verifytext: get_current_url,get_body_text
verifypositive1: home for tech jobs
verifypositive2: Companies hiring
step: Click Search
selenium1: _click('Search')
selenium2: _wait_for_text_visible('Test jobs',25)
verifytext: get_current_url,get_body_text,get_page_source
verifypositive1: Found sought text
verifypositive2: Test jobs in London \+ 20 miles
step: Click on heading for first job ad on search results to see job details
selenium1: _click('job-item-title')
selenium2: _wait_for_text_visible('Back to search results',25)
verifytext: get_current_url,get_body_text
verifypositive1: Found sought text
From a command prompt,
cd $HOME/git/WebImblaze
Run the tests with
perl wi.pl tests/test_jobs.test
If all is OK, you'll see Chrome open and run the test steps. You'll also see output like the following at the command prompt:
Starting WebImblaze Engine...
Test: tests/test_jobs.test - 10
Get CWJobs home and accept all cookies
Try 1 of 10 failed [Accept All]:[*] ...
[Starting ChromeDriver without Selenium Server on port 9585]
SELRESP:Focused and clicked tag SPAN WITH[Accept All] OK (exact match)
Passed HTTP Response Code Verification
Response Time = 3.214 sec
Verification Time = 0.022 sec
Screenshot Time = 0.306 sec
Test: tests/test_jobs.test - 20
Fill out search form
Verify Positive: "home for tech jobs"
Verify Positive: "Companies hiring"
SELRESP:Focused and clicked tag INPUT AFTER[What] OK (exact match) id[keywords] then sent keys OK
SELRESP:Focused and clicked tag INPUT WITH[Town, city or postcode] OK (exact match) id[location] then sent keys OK
SELRESP:Focused and clicked tag SELECT AFTER[Where] OK (exact match) id[Radius] then selected dropdown value OK
Passed Positive Verification
Passed Positive Verification
Passed HTTP Response Code Verification
Response Time = 1.629 sec
Verification Time = 0.157 sec
Screenshot Time = 0.25 sec
Test: tests/test_jobs.test - 30
Click Search
Verify Positive: "Found sought text"
Verify Positive: "Test jobs in London \+ 20 miles"
SELRESP:Focused and clicked tag INPUT WITH[Search] OK (exact match) id[search-button]
SELRESP:Found sought text visible after 0.4 seconds
Passed Positive Verification
Passed Positive Verification
Passed HTTP Response Code Verification
Response Time = 2.221 sec
Verification Time = 0.435 sec
Screenshot Time = 0.15 sec
Test: tests/test_jobs.test - 40
Click on heading for first job ad on search results to see job details
Verify Positive: "Found sought text"
SELRESP:Focused and clicked tag A WITH[job-item-title] OK (exact match)
VISIBLE SEARCH TEXT:Back to search results
SELRESP:Found sought text visible after 0.1 seconds
Passed Positive Verification
Passed HTTP Response Code Verification
Response Time = 1.198 sec
Verification Time = 0.131 sec
Screenshot Time = 0.144 sec
Start Time: Sun 27 Feb 2022, 21:37:24
Total Run Time: 11.411 seconds
Total Response Time: 8.262 seconds
Test Steps Run: 4
Test Steps Passed: 4
Test Steps Failed: 0
Verifications Passed: 13
Verifications Failed: 0
Results at: output/Results.html
If your WebImblaze/output folder was empty before running the test, you'll now see 10 files there:
- automatic screen shots taken after each test step was executed10.html
- a html file showing the individual results for each test step (including the screen shot)Results.html
- a html version of the output to the console, it links to each individual test stepresults.xml
- an xml version of the results, needed by the optional WebImblaze-Frameworkhttp.txt
- verbose log of raw WebImblaze http test output_chromedriver.log
If not using WebImblaze-Framework, then double click on output/Results.html
to view
the test results in a browser. Click on a step number hyperlink to see the individual
test step result.
In my experience, running tests using Selenium Server is more robust than running through Chrome directly.
You can execute the tests using Selenium Server as in the following example:
perl wi.pl examples/misc/selenium.test --driver chrome --chromedriver-binary C:\selenium\chromedriver.exe --selenium-binary C:\selenium\selenium-server-3-standalone.jar
Or more simply, because the locations of the chromedriver and selenium binaries are specified in config.xml
perl wi.pl examples/misc/selenium.test --driver chrome
You can see the many Selenium commands you can use by checking the documentation for the Perl bindings: CPAN
There are further examples in the examples
and selftest/substeps
folders of this project.
The WebImblaze-Selenium Manual - MANUAL.md has full details on the helper (start with underscore _
) functions available.
After installing WebImblaze to
, clone this plugin projectcd C:/git git clone https://github.com/Qarj/WebImblaze-Selenium.git
folder intoWebImblaze/plugins
perl WebImblaze-Selenium/plugins/update.pl
Open a command prompt as an administrator and issue the following command:
cpan Selenium::Remote::Driver
This will install the latest version of Selenium::Remote::Driver - 1.37 at the time of writing.
Obtain chromedriver.exe from chromedriver and place it in
mkdir c:\selenium cd /D c:/selenium curl -O http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE set /p latest=<LATEST_RELEASE curl -O https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/%latest%/chromedriver_win32.zip "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x chromedriver_win32.zip -o"C:\selenium" -r -y chromedriver.exe --version
7-Zip is easy to install with Ninite.
Optional - download latest Selenium Server from Selenium Server and place it in
, give it the generic nameselenium-server-3-standalone.jar
curl --location --output c:/selenium/selenium-server-3-standalone.jar https://bit.ly/2TlkRyu java -jar c:/selenium/selenium-server-3-standalone.jar --version
Be sure to also install the Java 8 runtime as well - Ninite makes this easy.
First install WebImblaze WebImblaze
Install Chrome, run it and decide whether you want it to be the default browser or not.
Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
Install wget
brew install wget
Now obtain latest version of ChromeDriver and place in /usr/local/bin/selenium
Remember that the major version of Chrome and ChromeDriver must be an exact match.
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo mkdir selenium
sudo chmod 777 selenium
wget http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE -P selenium
latest=$(cat selenium/LATEST_RELEASE)
wget -N https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/$latest/chromedriver_mac64.zip -P selenium
unzip -o selenium/chromedriver_mac64.zip -d selenium
selenium/chromedriver --version
Obtain latest Selenium Standalone 3 Server and put it in /usr/local/bin/selenium
wget -N https://bit.ly/2TlkRyu -O /usr/local/bin/selenium/selenium-server-3-standalone.jar
Install OpenJDK 8 (LTS)
from OpenJDK
After opening and installing the .pkg
file, check Java is working
java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_265"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_265-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.265-b01, mixed mode)
Open / create the .bash_profile
with a text editor
code ~/.bash_profile
Add this line, save
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
Source the updated bash profile and check JAVA_HOME is now set correctly
source ~/.bash_profile
Check version of Selenium Server
java -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium/selenium-server-3-standalone.jar --version
Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358
Install perlbrew
curl -L https://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
Append source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
to bash profile and run it now also
code ~/.bash_profile
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
Init perlbrew and switch shell to latest stable perl
sudo perlbrew init
sudo perlbrew install --switch stable
Install the packages needed for WebImblaze in the perlbrew sub system
sudo cpan XML::Simple
sudo cpan Math::Random::ISAAC
sudo cpan IO::Socket::SSL
sudo cpan LWP::Protocol::https
Install Selenium::Remote::Driver
sudo cpan Selenium::Remote::Driver
Clone this plugin project
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo git clone https://github.com/Qarj/WebImblaze-Selenium.git
Fix permissions
cd WebImblaze-Selenium
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod a+rwx {} \;
sudo find . -type f -exec chmod a+rw {} \;
Copy WebImblaze-Selenium.pm
into WebImblaze\plugins
by running update.pl
perl plugins/update.pl
Check that it all works - with Selenium Server
cd /usr/local/bin/WebImblaze
sudo perl wi.pl examples/misc/selenium.test --driver chrome
Using ChromeDriver directly without Selenium Server
sudo perl wi.pl examples/misc/selenium.test
Later, when you need to start perlbrew again:
perlbrew list
Check the output, e.g. if it is perl-5.32.0
then just:
sudo perlbrew use perl-5.32.0
perl wi.pl ../WebImblaze-Selenium/selftest/all_selenium.test
To use the searchimage parameter (see manual), you need to install the dependencies for the search-image.py plugin. The plugin itself is already installed in the plugins folder of the WebImblaze project at WebImblaze.
See WebImblaze for full installation instructions.
To test that it works, run the following. If all test steps pass, then everything is setup OK.
perl wi.pl ./../WebImblaze-Selenium/examples/searchimage.test
You can also check the result by looking at output\100.png' and also
output\200.png`. You'll see that
search-image.py has marked the locations of the result screenshot where it found the images.