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bell is a third-party login plugin for hapi. bell ships with built-in support for Facebook, GitHub, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and Windows Live. It also supports any compliant OAuth 1.0a and 2.0 based login services with a simple configuration object.

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bell works by adding a login endpoint and setting it to use a bell-based authentication strategy. bell will manage the third-party authentication flow and will only call the handler if the user successfully authenticated. The handler function is then used to examine the third-party credentials (e.g. lookup an existing account or offer a registration page), setup an active session, and redirect to the actual application.

bell does not maintain a session beyond a temporary state between the authorization flow. If a user authenticated once when accessing the endpoint, they will have to authenticate again. This means bell cannot be used alone as a login system except for single-page applications that require loading a single resource. Once the handler is called, the application must set its own session management. A common solution is to combine bell with the hapi-auth-cookie authentication scheme plugin.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server(8000);

// Register bell with the server
server.pack.register(require('bell'), function (err) {

    // Declare an authentication strategy using the bell scheme
    // with the name of the provider, cookie encryption password,
    // and the OAuth client credentials.
    server.auth.strategy('twitter', 'bell', {
        provider: 'twitter',
        password: 'cookie_encryption_password',
        clientId: 'my_twitter_client_id',
        clientSecret: 'my_twitter_client_secret',
        isSecure: false     // Terrible idea but required if not using HTTPS

    // Use the 'twitter' authentication strategy to protect the
    // endpoint handling the incoming authentication credentials.
    // This endpoints usually looks up the third party account in
    // the database and sets some application state (cookie) with
    // the local application account information.
        method: ['GET', 'POST'], // Must handle both GET and POST
        path: '/login',          // The callback endpoint registered with the provider
        config: {
            auth: 'twitter',
            handler: function (request, reply) {

                // Perform any account lookup or registration, setup local session,
                // and redirect to the application. The third-party credentials are
                // stored in request.auth.credentials. Any query parameters from
                // the initial request are passed back via request.auth.credentials.query.
                return reply.redirect('/home');



The server.auth.strategy() method requires the following strategy options:

  • provider - the name of the third-party provider ('facebook', 'github', 'google', 'live', 'twitter', 'yahoo') or an object containing a custom provider with the following:
    • protocol - the authorization protocol used. Must be one of:
      • 'oauth' - OAuth 1.0a
      • 'oauth2' - OAuth 2.0
    • temporary - the temporary credentials (request token) endpoint (OAuth 1.0a only).
    • auth - the authorization endpoint URI.
    • token - the access token endpoint URI.
    • scope - an array of scope strings (OAuth 2.0 only).
    • scopeSeparator - the scope separator character (OAuth 2.0 only). Only required when a provider has a broken OAuth 2.0 implementation. Defaults to space (Facebook and GitHut default to comma).
    • headers - a headers object with additional headers required by the provider (e.g. GitHub required the 'User-Agent' header which is set by default).
    • profile - a function used to obtain user profile information and normalize it. The function signature is function(credentials, params, get, callback) where:
      • credentials - the credentials object. Change the object directly within the function (profile information is typically stored under credentials.profile).
      • params - the parsed information received from the provider (e.g. token, secret, and other custom fields).
      • get - an OAuth helper function to make authenticated requests using the credentials received. The get function signature is function(uri, params, callback) where:
        • uri - the requested resource URI (bell will add the token or authentication header as needed).
        • params - any URI query parameters (cannot include them in the URI due to signature requirements).
        • callback - request callback with signature function(response) where response is the parsed payload (any errors are handled internally).
      • callback - the callback function which much be called once profile processing is complete.
  • password - the cookie encryption password. Used to encrypt the temporary state cookie used by the module in between the authorization protocol steps.
  • clientId - the OAuth client identifier (consumer key).
  • clientSecret - the OAuth client secret (consumer secret).

Each strategy accepts the following optional settings:

  • cookie - the name of the cookie used to manage the temporary state. Defaults to 'bell-provider' where 'provider' is the provier name (or 'custom' for custom providers). For example, the Twitter cookie name defaults to 'bell-twitter'.
  • isSecure - sets the cookie secure flag. Defaults to true.
  • isHttpOnly - sets the cookie HTTP only flag. Defaults to true.
  • ttl - cookie time-to-live in milliseconds. Defaults to null (session time-life - cookies are deleted when the browser is closed).
  • domain - the domain scope. Defaults to null (no domain).
  • providerParams - provider-specific query parameters for the authentication endpoint. Each provider supports its own set of parameters which customize the user's login experience. For example:
    • Facebook supports display ('page', 'popup', or 'touch'), auth_type, auth_nonce.
    • Google supports access_type, approval_prompt, prompt, login_hint, user_id, hd.
    • Twitter supports force_login, screen_name.
  • scope - Each built-in vendor comes with the required scope for basic profile information. Use scope to specify a different scope as required by your application. Consult the provider for their specific supported scopes.
  • config - a configuration object used to customize the provider settings. The built-in 'twitter' provider accepts the extendedProfile option which allows disabling the extra profile request when the provider returns the user information in the callback (defaults to true). The built-in 'github' provider accepts the uri option which allows pointing to a private enterprise installation (e.g. '').


Third-party login plugin for hapi







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