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Slight optimizations to BPGates
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jasonhan3 committed Aug 8, 2024
1 parent 2dec460 commit 8627ac8
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Showing 5 changed files with 354 additions and 265 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/BPGates.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -437,6 +437,8 @@ const good_perm_qc = ( # From the appendix of Optimized Entanglement Purificatio

# Does this only modify the second bell pair? No phase kickback?-- interesting.
# phase kickback here contributes to a global phase
const cnot_perm = (1, 2, 11, 12, 6, 5, 16, 15, 9, 10, 3, 4, 14, 13, 8, 7)

function QuantumClifford.apply!(state::BellState, g::CNOTPerm) # TODO abstract away the permutation application as it is used by other gates too
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -571,7 +573,7 @@ end
# TODO: Honestly this doesn't make that much sense to me. Think about why
# this works.
# Defines the probabilities of transitioning from one bell state to another
function get_mixed_transition_probs::Float64, cur_state_idx::Int)
function get_mixed_transition_probs(λ, cur_state_idx)
# 0 <= λ <= 1 (λ = 1 - e ^(-t / T1))
mixed_state_tuple = (
(0.5 * λ^2 - λ + 1, 0.5 * λ * (1 - λ), 0.5 * λ^2, 0.5 * λ * (1 - λ)),
Expand All @@ -591,7 +593,7 @@ struct MixedStateOp <: AbstractNoiseBellOp

function select_rand_state(transition_probs::NTuple{4, Float64})
function select_rand_state(transition_probs)
# TODO: hardcoded for speed, BUT change this to a macro for readability.
rand_prob_val = rand()
new_phase_idx = 0
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,19 +16,26 @@ end
macro doset(descr)
if doset($descr)
@safetestset $descr begin include("test_"*$descr*".jl") end
@safetestset $descr begin
if $descr == "mixedstateop" || $descr == "paulizop"
include("test_"*$descr*".jl") end

println("Starting tests with $(Threads.nthreads()) threads out of `Sys.CPU_THREADS = $(Sys.CPU_THREADS)`...")

# include("test_kraus_mem_noise_helpers.jl")

@doset "quantumclifford"
@doset "quantikz"
get(ENV,"JET_TEST","")=="true" && @doset "jet"
@doset "doctests"
@doset "bpgates"
@doset "mixedstateop"
@doset "paulizop"

using Aqua
doset("aqua") && begin
Expand Down
259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions test/test_kraus_mem_noise_helpers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
module TestKrausNoiseHelpers

using Test
using Logging

using BPGates: get_mixed_transition_probs, select_rand_state

export test_bell_basis_probs, test_nonoise_bell_basis, test_almost_all_noise,
test_random_lambdas, test_equal_mixed_probs_2, test_equal_mixed_probs_4,
test_random_mixed_states, test_random_mixed_states_random_lambdas

# using QuantumClifford: apply!

# Get the bell states used for testing
function get_bell_states()
return (1 / sqrt(2)) * [
[1.0; 0.0; 0.0; 1.0],
[0.0; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0],
[1.0; 0.0; 0.0; -1.0],
[0.0; 1.0; -1.0; 0.0]

# Returns an index selected from the indices of a list, weighted by the probability at that index
function get_weighted_index(prob_dist::Vector{Float64})
if !isapprox(sum(prob_dist), 1.0, atol=1e-9)
@error "get_weighted_index: prob_dist sums to $(sum(prob_dist)) and not 1"
rand_num = rand()
cur_sum = 0.0
for (idx, prob_val) in enumerate(prob_dist)
if rand_num < cur_sum + prob_val
return idx
cur_sum += prob_val

# Converts a bit to an int from left to right (LSB is the rightmost bit)
function bit_to_int_testing(bits)
reduce(,(bit<<(length(bits) - index) for (index,bit) in enumerate(bits))) + 1 # +1 so that we use julia indexing convenctions

# Returns the tensor product of a set of Kraus operators
function get_tensored_kraus_ops(kraus_ops::Vector{Matrix{Complex}})
tensored_kraus_ops = []
for op1 in kraus_ops
for op2 in kraus_ops
push!(tensored_kraus_ops, kron(op1, op2))
return tensored_kraus_ops

# Returns the diagonal of a matrix
function get_diagonal(matrix::Matrix{ComplexF64})::Vector{Float64}
diagonal_length = min(size(matrix)[1], size(matrix)[2])
if size(matrix)[1] != size(matrix)[2]
@error("get_diagonal: matrix is not square, rows: $(size(matrix)[1]) != cols: $(size(matrix)[2])")
diag_elements = []
for idx in 1:diagonal_length
push!(diag_elements, matrix[idx, idx])
return diag_elements

# Returns the bell state corresponding to the input phases
function get_bell_state(phases::BitVector)
state_idx = bit_to_int_testing(phases)
bell_states = get_bell_states()
return bell_states[state_idx]

# Numerically computes the transition probabilities of one state to another,
# given a mixed probability distribution of states and a set of kraus operators
function get_numerical_trans_probs(mixed_state_probs::Vector{Float64}, kraus_ops::Vector{Matrix{Complex}})
bell_states = get_bell_states()
ρ_bell = zeros(ComplexF64, length(bell_states), length(bell_states))
for (bell_idx, bell_prob) in enumerate(mixed_state_probs)
ρ_bell += bell_prob * bell_states[bell_idx] * bell_states[bell_idx]'
@debug("get_numerical_trans_probs: ρ_bell: $ρ_bell")
tensored_ops = get_tensored_kraus_ops(kraus_ops)
# Apply the Kraus operators to the Bell state
ρ_new = zeros(ComplexF64, size(ρ_bell)[1], size(ρ_bell)[2])
for K in tensored_ops
ρ_new += K * ρ_bell * adjoint(K)
U_bell = hcat(get_bell_states()...)
@debug("get_numerical_trans_probs: ρ_new: $ρ_new")
@debug("get_numerical_trans_probs: U_bell: $U_bell")
ρ_Bell_basis = adjoint(U_bell) * ρ_new * U_bell
@debug("get_numerical_trans_probs: ρ_Bell_basis: $ρ_Bell_basis")
@debug("get_numerical_trans_probs: size(ρ_Bell_basis): $(size(ρ_Bell_basis))")
return get_diagonal(ρ_Bell_basis)

# Testing functions

# Test our simulated noise for the pure states in the bell basis
function test_bell_basis_probs(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
statedist_list = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
lambda = 1 - exp(-500e-9 / 260e-6)
num_samples = 1000000
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
for state_dist in statedist_list
@info "test_bell_basis_probs: state_dist: $state_dist"
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
# @info("test_A_state_probs: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
# @info("test_A_state_probs: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))

# Test our simulated noise when there should be no noise applied for states in the bell basis
function test_nonoise_bell_basis(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
statedist_list = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
lambda = 0.0
num_samples = 1000000
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
for state_dist in statedist_list
@info "test_nonoise_bell_basis: state_dist: $state_dist"
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
# @info("test_A_state_probs: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
# @info("test_A_state_probs: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))

# Test our simulated noise with a noise factor close to 1 for states in the bell basis
function test_almost_all_noise(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
statedist_list = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
lambda = 0.999999999
num_samples = 1000000
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
for state_dist in statedist_list
@info "test_almost_all_noise: state_dist: $state_dist"
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
@info("test_almost_all_noise: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
@info("test_almost_all_noise: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))

# Test random noise factors for states in the bell basis
function test_random_lambdas(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
statedist_list = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
num_samples = 1000000
num_random_lambdas = 5
for _ in 1:num_random_lambdas
lambda = rand()
num_samples = 1000000
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
for state_dist in statedist_list
@info "test_random_lambdas: state_dist: $state_dist"
@info "test_random_lambdas: lambda: $lambda"
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
@info("test_random_lambdas: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
@info("test_random_lambdas: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))

# Test all mixed states composed of two states in the Bell basis with equal probability
function test_equal_mixed_probs_2(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
bell_states = get_bell_states()
lambda = 1 - exp(-500e-9 / 260e-6)
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
num_samples = 1000000
for first_phases_idx in 1:length(bell_states)
for second_phases_idx in 1:length(bell_states)
if first_phases_idx == second_phases_idx
state_dist = [0.0 for _ in 1:length(bell_states)]
for basis_idx in 1:length(bell_states)
if basis_idx == first_phases_idx || basis_idx == second_phases_idx
state_dist[basis_idx] = 0.5
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
@info("test_equal_mixed_probs_2: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
@info("test_equal_mixed_probs_2: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))

# Test a mixed state composed of all 4 bell basis states with equal probability
function test_equal_mixed_probs_4(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
state_dist = [0.25 for _ in 1:length(get_bell_states())]
lambda = 1 - exp(-500e-9 / 260e-6)
num_samples = 1000000
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
@info "test_equal_mixed_probs_4: state_dist: $state_dist"
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
@info("test_equal_mixed_probs_4: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
@info("test_equal_mixed_probs_4: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))

# Test random mixed states in the bell basis
function test_random_mixed_states(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
num_random_states = 20
statedist_list = []
for _ in 1:num_random_states
state_dist = [rand() for _ in 1:length(get_bell_states())]
state_dist = state_dist / sum(state_dist)
push!(statedist_list, state_dist)
@debug "length(statedist_list): $(length(statedist_list))"
lambda = 1 - exp(-500e-9 / 260e-6)
num_samples = 1000000
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
for state_dist in statedist_list
@info "test_random_mixed_states: state_dist: $state_dist"
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
@info("test_random_mixed_states: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
@info("test_random_mixed_states: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))

# Test random mixed states with random noise parameters in the Bell basis
function test_random_mixed_states_random_lambdas(kraus_ops_factory::Function, get_simulated_trans_probs::Function)
num_random_states = 20
statedist_list = []
for _ in 1:num_random_states
state_dist = [rand() for _ in 1:length(get_bell_states())]
state_dist = state_dist / sum(state_dist)
push!(statedist_list, state_dist)
num_random_lambdas = 20
num_samples = 1000000
for _ in 1:num_random_lambdas
lambda = rand()
@info "test_random_mixed_states_random_lambdas: lambda: $lambda"
kraus_ops = kraus_ops_factory(lambda)
for state_dist in statedist_list
@info "test_random_mixed_states_random_lambdas: state_dist: $state_dist"
numerical_trans_probs = get_numerical_trans_probs(state_dist, kraus_ops)
simulated_trans_probs = get_simulated_trans_probs(state_dist, lambda, num_samples)
@info("test_random_mixed_states_random_lambdas: numerical_trans_probs: $numerical_trans_probs")
@info("test_random_mixed_states_random_lambdas: simulated_trans_probs: $simulated_trans_probs")
@test all(isapprox.(numerical_trans_probs, simulated_trans_probs, atol=(2 / sqrt(num_samples))))


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