Binary files used to initialize a QuickFeather board
This repo contains the three binaries that are used to initialize a QuickFeather board during manufacturing:
- qf_bootloader.bin -- the bootloader program
- qf_bootfpga.bin -- the fpga image that the bootloader will use during progamming
- qf_helloworldsw.bin -- the initial m4 application
This repo also contains a utility program, qf_loadflash.bin, that can be loaded by J-LINK and used to program the QuickFeather.
Use J-LINK to load and run qf_loadflash.bin and then use the TinyFPGA-programmer-application to restore the factory programming:
python3 TinyFPGA-Programmer-Application/tinyfpga-programmer-gui --port COMXXX --mfgpkg quickfeather-initial-binaries