corners is a grid controlled physics instrument.
using the grid the musician can add gravity wells to the space to manipulate the "puck". velocities, positions, and border crossings are mapped to sound parameters and events.
this script is ported from @tehn 's original m4l script
molly the polly is used as an internal synth source and it can also send midi out to use with external gear.
internal synth params and external cc's can be mapped to the puck's position and velocity.
big thanks to @tehn and @mlogger for suggestion the idea in the norns: ideas thread!
- norns
- any sized grid
- molly the polly
- external synths
key 1 shift
key 2 random lead
key 3 generate random notes
enc 1 scale for random note generation
enc 2 friction
enc 3 gravity
shift + key 2 random pad
shift + key 3 random pad
shift + enc 1 root note for random note generation
shift + enc 2 b octave for random note generation
shift + enc 3 b octave range for random note generation
grid press and hold a key to create a gravity well to manipulate the puck. notes are triggered while holding keys
double click grid edge toggle a boundary's reflection between bounce or warp
params menu here you can change which notes are played per boundary and map physics properties to control midi cc's or internal synth parameters
on maiden:
on norns: system > reset then launch corners
- Added the ability to generate random notes within a scale and octave range. Key shortcuts added to quickly generate new notes. Can also generate random notes every boundary crossing.
- Fixed bug with the key forces being uneven.
- added separate physics update that is synced to the clock. you can change the sync rate in the params menu.
- walls now light up when the puck reflects
- updated params to make it easier to change sound sources for boundary events and key events.
- added fix to prevent stuck notes if changing sound settings.
- initial release