A node.js wrapper for the ansible command
Ansible must be installed and accessible in the path
npm install ansible-cli-js
var ansibleCli = require('ansible-cli-js');
With promise:
var Options = ansibleCli.Options;
var Ansible = ansibleCli.Ansible;
var options = new Options(
/* currentWorkingDirectory */ 'ping'
var ansible = new Ansible(options);
ansible.command('all -m ping --inventory-file=./inventory --connection=local').then(function (data) {
console.log('data = ', data);
//data = {
// command: 'ansible all -m ping --inventory-file=./inventory --connection=local ',
// raw: '["localhost | success >> {\\n \\"changed\\": false, \\n \\"ping\\": \\"pong\\"\\n}\\n\\n",""]'
With callback:
ansible.command('ansible all -m ping --inventory-file=./inventory --connection=local', function (err, data) {
console.log('data = ', data);
import { Ansible, Options } from 'ansible-cli-js';
const options = new Options(
/* currentWorkingDirectory */ 'ping'
const ansible = new Ansible(options);
ansible.command('all -m ping --inventory-file ./inventory --connection local').then(function (data) {
console.log('data = ', util.inspect(data, { depth: 10 }));